It is estimated that 20% of people around the world suffer from sleep apnea. So, there is a high possibility you could too. The problem is that many of the suffering ones are not aware of it. That is why, the following infographic describes relevant information about sleep apnea and alarms about the risk factors.
Among the cited risk factors are the large neck, high cholesterol, smoking, obesity and family history of sleep apnea. Besides, if you are snoring or frequently urinate at night, you should go to the doctor immediately. What is more, there are also day symptoms such as morning headaches and poor concentration.
Finally, the infographic shows that happens if you do not treat your sleep apnea. There is a huge risk of involvement in a traffic accident. Moreover, the danger of having a stroke is four times higher. Therefore, read on the full infographic below and learn more about sleep apnea symptoms, treatments, causes, and cures.