Did your Doctor believe you? Take our poll.

Do your Doctors believe you?

Do your Doctors believe you?

Until I started working in medical market research a decade ago I had a generally positive view of the healthcare world.

Sadly closer contact has made me rather cynical about the quality of the healthcare provision we are receiving , especially here in the UK, for our hard earned money.

One reason for my loss of confidence was conducting research with people with fibromyalgia. Many of the reported to us that there contact with doctors had been a harrowing and humiliating experience. Some of them were told that fibromyalgia was ” a made up condition” and that they were lying about their symptoms.

I have had similar (though nowhere near as bad) experiences when having my hearing tested. One audiologist could not see a problem with me and acted as though I was wasting his time. Ignoring that fact that my hearing was , and is , deteriorating.

So I am wondering how much this applies to my readers in general.

I have set up a poll below asking the very simple question “Have you had the impression that your doctor thinks you are lying about your symptoms or medical condition?”

Please do take part and share with anyone you think might be interested in taking part.

Do use the comments section to add any thoughts you may have or share your story with our readers.

Thanks very much in advance.

3 thoughts on “Did your Doctor believe you? Take our poll.

  1. Our Government’s War on
    Drugs is hurting those that suffer the most, especially those with Chronic
    Pain. Hospitals, Doctors, & Pharmacies have their hands tied. If they prescribe/dispense
    & it’s someone who’s pulling the wool over their eyes, they could lose
    their licenses.  Therefore, they don’t prescribe to anyone and
    send patients to a Pain Management doctor.  These docs work 9 to 5
    M-F. What happens when someone has breakthrough pain?!?  The ERs won’t
    admit you & say they are now not set up to care for chronic pain patients.
    You go in with BP of 153/110 and your pulse is 148 and they won’t even give you
    fluids for dehydration.  We have lost young children that were turned away
    from ERs.Do they also “look” like drug
    seekers?!? You look fine…therefore you are fine.  Something has to change. 
    We the PEOPLE of this great land need to stand up & stop giving control to
    Washington DC.  Is there drug abuse? Absolutely, and there always
    will be. There’s also alcohol abuse, ice cream abuse, etc.There will be even more when those who desperately
    need it have to start going to the streets to get relief from their pain. 
    My daughter is a Masters Addiction therapist.  I have seen first
    hand what pill shops have done to our country.  Go after the pill shops
    and leave our physicians/hospitals to make their own judgments regarding
    patient treatment. Do we not live in a land where you are innocent until
    proven guilty? We can NOT continue to
    punish everyone when only a few are abusers.

  2. Being an army brat i never had the same OBGYN two exams in a row, They just give you whatever doctor is available in the military health system.  So some of my doctors knew there was something more wrong with me while other thought i was just a whiny teen. It wasn’t till i was in my 20’s in college that there was specialist at the fort who believed me enough to rush me into surgery the following week  and it was then that i was diagnosed.

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