Cycling with Fibromyalgia – Motivation for Today


Cycling and fibro

Cycling and fibro

From the maker of this great video

“Today I decided to ignore my headache, take a pill, and get on my bike. My goal was to beat my record of 24 miles. I did 25 miles. I’m pretty excited about that. My reasoning by getting out and exercising while in pain is “I can be in pain in bed or I can be in pain doing something I love.” I want to encourage you to get out there and do whatever it is you want to do regardless of your circumstances. Don’t let anyone tell you, you can’t, not even yourself. Stop making excuses for why you shouldn’t do something and use those same reasons as stepping stones to help you achieve your dreams. Life is short and it’s best lived to the fullest. I want to encourage you and motivate you to think big and do big things. You can do it! You are capable of doing it. You are awesome! You are enough! You are worthy! You are special!@