Celebrities who have been diagnosed with autism

List includes Dan Aykroyd, Daryl Hannah, Courtney Love

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Autism may bring challenges for those who live with it, but celebrities with autism have shown they can overcome those challenges to achieve tremendous things and fulfill their dreams. 

Here are some notable celebrities who have autism. 

Dan Aykroyd

The famous “Saturday Night Live” alum and star of several movies in the ’80s was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome and Tourettes syndrome when he was 12. In the early 1980s, he found out he had severe obsessions with policemen and ghosts, which led to him to write the 1984 hit movie, “Ghostbusters.” 

The movie, in which Aykroyd starred in along with Bill Murray and Rick Moranis, grossed $295 million worldwide after its release.

“My very mild Asperger’s has helped me creatively,” he said once in an interview. “I sometimes hear a voice and think: ‘That could be a character I could do.'”

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