7 Beauty Tips and Tricks for Face Every Woman Should Know

Beauty tips

Beauty tips


Women apply makeup on the faces if not always at least once a while or when going out for that special occasion. The question is whether the technique you are using is giving you the best results. There are many beauty tips that women use to ensure that they have that glamorous look.

The following are beauty tricks and tips that every woman should know:

Use a lip liner

The use of a lip liner is one of the ways of ensuring that the lip color lasts all day long. Sharpen the pencil first before application to ensure it is precise. Always choose a color of the lip liner that will match the lipstick you are wearing. The undertones should be similar to enhance the looks and sexiness of your lips. Lip liner is a magical beauty tool that every woman should use as it has many advantages. The reviews on best lip plumper advocate for the use of a lip liner because of its multiple purposes. The lip liner helps to make the lips plumper, allows the lipstick to stay put throughout the day and it defines the shape of the mouth.

Remove mascara smudge using a brush

A mascara smudge is one of the most frustrating things just after finishing the application of makeup. Avoid wiping the smudge using your finger or worse remove the whole makeup and start over. Dip a small makeup brush, usually the concealer brush, in micellar water to remove the smudge as this helps to avoid ruining the eye shadow or liner.

Use nude eyeliner to look more awake

When you have a sleepy look, and you want to look more awake within no time, then a nude eyeliner pencil is the best solution. It is advisable to apply a nude eyeliner pencil on the lower line of the eyes. The application of nude eyeliner makes one more awake. Use the muted shade because it is not harsh on the eyes.

Make the lips plump

Plumping the lips is one of the best beauty tricks that all women need to know to improve their looks with no injections involved. It is advisable to apply a highlighter to the cupid bow (the little dip at the upper lip) and the center of the bottom lip. When applying lipstick, make sure that the lipstick is not too defined at the top of the lip and that it goes all the way to cover the corners of the mouth. Press the lipstick hard when applying.

Pluck out the stray hairs

Almost everyone has one or two stray hairs on the face and other parts of the body. It is advisable to avoid stabbing the hairs with tweezers with the intention of removing them. Dust, some loose powder on the face, to make the hairs stand out and easier to spot. Snug them hair and then pluck them out without stabbing.

Application of eye shadow

It is advisable to start with the base shadows that match the lightest skin on the face. The base shadow should not have any shimmer. Apply the base shadow from the brow all over to the lid up. It is advisable to use the base shadow to make sure that the darker shadows on the lid up to the crease are blending well.

Removing make up

It is always important to remove makeup before going to bed, and this is necessary to keep the complexion of the face good and maintain that radiant look the following day. Micellar water is one of the best products to use on t face for removal of makeup. Micellar is gentle on the skin, and it can help with all types of skin without causing irritation. It is advisable to use a cotton pad when removing makeup on the face because it is gentle on the skin. Soak a little ball of cotton ball in the micellar water, then using a little pressure; gently wipe off the makeup from the face. The best thing about using micellar water is that there is no rinsing needed afterwards.


There are many beauty tricks and tips that can help to maintain the youthful and radiant look in the face. It is important to know these beauty tips as they help to make application of makeup easy. The beauty tips include using micellar water to remove a mascara smudge, removing makeup using micellar water, plumping up the lips, using a nude eyeliner and plucking out the stray hairs on the face and other parts of the body.

Video: Also watchTop 5 Homemade Face Masks for Your Skin





Author Bio

Meighan Sembrano is an author at Consumer Health Information. She has a keen interest in writing. She has contributed many beauty related articles in many popular websites. She has done her Mass Communication degree. She now lives in Washington DC. She is a social worker who spends her free time searching about life, healthy, beauty and lifestyles fitness related articles. She is fond of travelling and trekking. To know more about her, follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

Solvaderm Skin Care

Panic Attacks during Menopause – How to Prevent Them?

While symptoms like night sweats and hot flashes are frequently discussed,other symptoms like insomnia, irritability, and panic attacks can occur during  menopause as well. As all women are different, they experience these symptoms differently. For example, menopause symptoms in some women are quite mild while in other women they become severe. In this article, we will discuss panic attacks during menopause and how to deal with them.

Panic attacks – why they happen?

Panic attacks and the menopause

Panic attacks and the menopause

Panic attacks, in general, are known to be one of the most frightening, disturbing and uncomfortable experiences of person’s life. The exact source of anxiety, panic attacks, and even heart palpitations during menopause isn’t quite clear yet.

Although the exact cause of panic attacks isn’t familiar yet, because women are more likely than men to experience panic disorders most frequently during PMS, pregnancy and menopause it is assumed that panic attack has something to do with hormonal imbalance.

In most cases, women start experiencing panic attacks during per menopause, the transition period before the actual menopause. During this time, female hormones estrogen and progesterone fluctuate dramatically and start to decline.

When women enter menopause, severity and intensity of symptom experienced during that time could lead to anxiety. If left untreated, anxiety leads to panic attacks that can affect person’s wellbeing and even social life.

Estrogen and progesterone act as natural anxiolytics, which means they work together with the anxiety control receptors in your brain to prevent mood swings and cope with stress, anxiety, and panic attacks. Naturally, as the natural production of these hormones declines in menopause, women become more prone to experiencing these symptoms.

However, hormonal imbalance isn’t the only cause of panic attacks. It is believed that occurrence of different factors contributes to panic attacks. For example:

  •     Becoming infertile
  •     Lifestyle changes
  •     Various biological changes
  •     Unhealthy nutrition
  •     Consumption of alcohol
  •     Family history of panic disorder
  •     Stressful situations
  •     Children are leaving home.


Do panic attacks end with menopause?

In most cases, women experience panic attacks during perimenopause and menopause, and the severity of panic disorders decreases in post menopause. However, it is still important to mention that experiencing these attacks varies from woman to woman and while some women don’t experience panic disorders in years after menopause, others do.

For example, Smoller JW, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston conducted a study to investigate the prevalence of panic attacks in postmenopausal women. The study included 3369 postmenopausal women who completed questionnaires about the occurrence of panic attacks in the previous six months.

Findings of the study were published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, and they showed that full-blown panic attacks in postmenopausal women were associated with a history of a migraine, cardiovascular disease, chest pain, etc. Other causes of panic attacks in postmenopausal women were stressful life events and functional impairment.

 Symptoms of panic attacks


  •     Shortness of breath
  •     Chest pain or tightness
  •     Sweating/shaking
  •     Heart palpitations
  •     Hot or cold flashes
  •     Hyperventilation
  •     Nausea/stomach pain
  •     Lightheadedness etc.


Panic attacks prevention


  •     Eat healthy and balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals that will supply your body with essential components it needs to function properly
  •     Consider taking menopause supplement to avoid missing on essential nutrients. Best menopause supplements are made of natural and herbal ingredients which also decreases chances of experiencing some side effects as well.
  • For example, PM Phytogen Complex is the all-natural supplement that provides your body with substances that mimic the action of estrogen hormone making it easier for you to deal with symptoms of menopause like night sweats, hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, anxiety, etc. The product is affordable and can be purchased via the official website and in retail stores as well.
  •     Avoid consumption of alcohol
  •     Exercise regularly
  •     Try out some alternative manners of relaxation e.g. acupuncture, massage, yoga, meditation and many others.
  •     Make sure your body gets the recommended dosage of vitamins that will not only protect your overall health but also support you mentally as you go through the menopause.
  •     Avoid or manage stressful situations, find a unique way of relieving stress e.g. listening to music, deep breathing, writing, or even taking a walk.


Panic attacks occur in perimenopause and are experienced in menopause as well. Although some women don’t experience them in postmenopausal period, others do. The exact reason for panic disorders is still unknown, but it’s assumed they occur due to hormonal balance coupled with other factors. Healthy lifestyle and stress management can help you prevent panic attacks.



Author Bio


Meighan Sembrano is an author at Consumer Health Digest. She has a keen interest in writing. She has contributed many beauty related articles in many popular websites. She has done her Mass Communication degree. She now lives in Washington DC. She is a social worker who spends her free time searching about life, healthy, beauty and lifestyles fitness related articles. She is fond of travelling and trekking. To know more about her, follow her on Facebook and Twitter.


Good news for childless couples – donor recruitment giving hope. What is your view on egg donation?

Hope for childless couples

Hope for childless couples

An abundance of egg donors to help childless couples conceive

There is normally a nationwide shortage of egg donations with many women on waiting lists.

Neelam Potdar is a Consultant Gynaecologist and Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine at Leicester Fertility Centre and said: “In the past our waiting list has been as long as two years because there has been a lack of donors, which has meant couples seeking help elsewhere, even as far as Spain and Cyprus to receive donated eggs.”

Leicester Fertility Centre based at Leicester Royal Infirmary, has worked hard on recruiting donors and reducing the waiting list down to just six months. This has meant that we now have an unprecedented and unexpected surplus of egg donors.

Mo Thomas, Senior Counsellor at Leicester Fertility Centre said: “Any couple who are interested in egg donation should contact us. We are really pleased that we have managed to reduce our waiting lists and would welcome meeting anyone who would like our help in conceiving a child of their own.”

“We hope we can help as many couples as possible and we are happy to help NHS and private patients”, Mo adds.

Which prompts our question. Ladies – would you ever consider donating your eggs and why?

Please feel to share you thoughts and experiences in the comment section below.

Many thanks in advance.

Family planning – watch the webTV show and join the debate

The Government are calling for wider access to GPs, 7 days per week. A new survey due to be released on

Family planning and parental support

Family planning and parental support

17th June is set to reveal that parents would prefer their son or daughter to have greater access to contraceptives from a pharmacist , rather than having to make an appointment with a GP.

As a parent the topic of how to approach sex education can be a mine field. Whose responsibility is it? Is it yours, your child’s school or do you actually find yourself hoping an older sibling will sit them down to discuss the birds and the bees?

Do you worry about unplanned pregnancies when it comes to your daughter? Are you concerned that sex education is inadequate at school, but struggle to strike a balance between arming your children with the information they need? Do you feel unconformable talking about contraceptive options? Should pharmacists be able to supply directly more contraceptive options as an alternative to making an appointment with a GP?

Log in and join our panel debate where we will have a range of views on the best way to tackle sex education with your children.

Simon Heffer, Konnie Huq, Dr Rob Hicks, Natika Halil (Chief Executive, Family Planning Association) and Richard Thomas (editor Pharmacy Magazine) join us live online Wednesday 17th June at 10.00.

Click here to submit questions before the show