Using Hypnosis to Relieve Pain and Anxiety

Hypnosis may conjure up images of stage magic and swinging pocket watches, but there’s growing evidence that it can be useful for easing pain, relieving anxiety, relaxing patients before surgery and helping people control habits like overeating and smoking.

Exercises for Peripheral Neuropathy in the Feet and Legs

Dealing with peripheral neuropathy can be challenging. It can cause tingling and numbness in the feet or tingling in the fingers and hands, which may result from chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) or other medical conditions. In this video, I demonstrate exercises that can help alleviate neuropathic pain using sensory treatment at home, balance training, and peripheral neuropathy exercises.

How to Talk to Your Doctor About Pain: Eight Tips

061 How to Talk to Your Doctor About Pain: The 8 Tips from Dr. Furlan -  YouTube

Doctor Andrea Furlan explains how to talk to your doctor about your pain. The S.O.C.R.A.T.E.S method stands for S: Site O: Onset C: Characteristics R: Radiation A: Associated Symptoms T: Time E: Exacerbating factors S: Severity#

Boost Your Pain Tolerance – Find Out How Here!

Dr. Furlan is a pain specialist in Toronto, Canada. She is a physiatrist (specialist in Physical Medicine and rehabilitation) who holds a medical degree from the University of Sao Paulo and a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. She has 30 years of experience helping people with chronic pain improve their quality of life.

Acute and Chronic Pain. What is the difference?

In the video, Dr. Andrea Furlan explains the distinction between acute and chronic pain. Acute pain serves as a symptom of a condition, whereas chronic pain constitutes the condition itself. Certain interventions effective for acute pain may not be as effective for chronic pain.