So what is Spoon Theory? Find out here!

Fibromyalgia Infographic - What Is the Spoon Theory?
What Is the Spoon Theory? Infographic: If you live with chronic illness, explaining your condition can be tough. The spoon theory was created to do just that, and has since become so much more. – Source: New Life Outlook | Fibromyalgia

Sleep apnea – what are the warning signs of sleep apnea?

As regular readers know we are big fans of using infographics to promote medical education.

Today we would love to share with you a new infographic on the sign and symptoms of sleep apnea. And yes it is scary.

You can check out the original here at the Sleep Education web site.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea

Parenting with a Chronic Illness – Some tips for being a great parent even with a long term illness

Being a parent and being ill

Being a parent and being ill

A couple of days ago we are our readers on Facebook what advice they had to share about being a parent which a chronic medical condition such as multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.

Given challenged such as pain, fatigue and insomnia which are attached to all these conditions it makes the roll of being a parent much harder.
We results of the request for tips was overwhelming – so when have chosen a cross selection of the responses. Please feel free to share your tips in the comments section below!

For Shanice it was just two simple words “Plan ahead”.

Heidi concurred “plan ahead, EXPLAIN yourself when you can’t do things. Let them help you, they will learn how to me compassionate caring adults because of you. If they help with chores, (mine do most of the chores) it helps you and teaches then life skills…how to be a team player, how to be observant, how to be patient, how to do simple household necessities….”

“I’m honest with mine. But not overly. My two oldest learned about my illnesses to have better understanding. Get up and move every day. Find ways to spend time with them that lets you rest. We read, watch movies, play board games in my bed. We have picnics in the living room. Love on them, let them feel special.” This was Rebecca’s view.

But “Don’t feel you need to compensate and buy them lots of “stuff” its love that counts. My kids think it’s great when we all bundle into my bed and watch a film, even if I often fall asleep.” Shared Becca.

Carrie told us “I’m honest with them when it’s a bad day. They are finally old enough to understand when I say maybe our we’ll see about something they want to do in a few days that it depends on my health. Also I had to learn to pick my battles what’s a priority to push them for or about…”
“Do intimate things like read books, finger-paint, buy a bunch of colored paper and make things…don’t push yourself. They will love you no matter what you can or cannot do. Children just need our attention, reassurance and love. Activities are a bonus. Take care of you….teaching them to take care of themselves on a cloudy day!!” was Michelle’s excellent advice!

Claudia shares “I told my children about my fibro but they already knew about illnesses during my cancer. They would spend time in my room a lot. We’d watch movies cartoons whatnot on TV. We’d play games on the floor like board games. Kept active. Made sure they were active in activities outside the house. I’d attend all their games.”

“Eat right and stay moving. Once you stop you’re done. I think that’s the only way I can actually sleep is by staying active. And having 3 boys help with keeping you going” was Elizabeth’s very practical advice.

Judy was very down to earth “1) Always make sure you have colouring and activity books to keep them busy just in case you need a few hours of rest in peace and quiet. 2) Teach your children about your illness so they’ll know what to expect and won’t be scared. 3) make sure to keep quick and easy to assemble lunch and dinners handy JUST IN CASE you cannot stand to cook a lot.”

Jayme had a different perspective – that of having been the child of somebody with multiple sclerosis “Also checks the psychology of the children. I was told my mother has MS at 8 years old. As an 8 year old, we are the mind-set of “Step on a crack, break Mommy’s back”. So, I assumed, that it was my fault she had MS, since she told me, she had her first attack, when she was pregnant with me. Talk openly about it and how it affects you. I spoke to Mom at length about her life decisions due to MS; my brother didn’t and came away with a totally different concept of her.”
So what about you? Do you have any tips for parenting? Or do you have any questions?

Either way why not share them in the comments box below.

Thanks very much in advance.

June is Migraine Awareness Month -What are the facts and how do we raise awareness of migraines?

June is Migraine Awareness Month

June is Migraine Awareness Month

June is Migraine Awareness Month – please like and share this Facebook cover on social media! But what are the facts about migraines? Migraine Action , a UK based charity, told us ?

1. One in seven people in the UK suffer from migraine.

2. Two thirds of people who have migraines are women.

3. It affects people of any age including younger children.

4. Migraine costs the UK more than £2 billion per annum.

5. The WHO consider it to be a major cause of disability.

6. An attack can last for between 4 and 72 hours. However other migraine symptoms can last for longer as they can occur before or after the main attack phase.

7. Sufferers experience an around of 13 attacks each year.

8. Other symptoms of a migraine can include:

visual disturbances (flashing lights, blind spots in the vision, zig zag patterns etc).
nausea and / or vomiting.
sensitivity to light, noise and smells
tingling / pins and needles / weakness / numbness in the limbs.

9. At least 60% of sufferers never consult their GP because they mistakenly think that nothing can be done to help them. There are a wide range of effective treatments now available including new products introduced during the past year.

10. Migraine is triggered by a wide variety of factors! For most people there is not just one trigger but a combination of factors which individually can be tolerated but when they all occur together a threshold is passed.

Who should get tested for kidney disease?

World Kidney Day

World Kidney Day

Experts suspect there are about a million people with moderate to severe kidney disease who are unaware that they have the condition. A quick simple test is available from your GP.

Kidney disease usually has no symptoms until it’s at a serious stage. “You can have quite serious kidney disease and feel absolutely fine,” says Timothy Statham, chief executive of the National Kidney Federation (NKF). “You often don’t know you have kidney damage until your kidneys have deteriorated to working at just 15% of their normal function.”

Although early kidney disease displays no symptoms, it’s easy for doctors to detect it. A routine blood test and urine test (to check for protein in the urine) can check whether your kidneys are working properly.

Why have a kidney test?

If you are at risk of kidney disease, your doctor should discuss with you how often you should be tested. If you have kidney disease, it’s better to identify it when the disease is still at an early stage.

This is important because:

  • Treatment of mild to moderate kidney disease with changes in lifestyle and medicines can slow down kidney damage and delay the need for kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant.
  • Earlier diagnosis of advanced kidney disease improves the success rate of dialysis and transplant.
  • Early detection and treatment of kidney disease lessens the chance of it leading to heart disease.
  • Kidney disease is common, and it’s affecting more and more people. The number of people receiving treatment with dialysis or kidney transplant in the UK is increasing by about 2,000 a year.
  • Kidney disease increases your risk of acute kidney injury. Acute kidney injury involves sudden damage to the kidneys that causes them to stop working properly.

Who needs a kidney test?

You are most at risk of kidney disease if you have diabetes or high blood pressure (hypertension), or if you have a close relative with kidney disease.

The chances of developing kidney disease increase as you get older. You’re also more likely to develop kidney disease if you’re male and if you’re black or south Asian.

Visit your GP for a kidney test if you have:

  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • blood or protein in your urine with no known cause
  • cardiovascular disease (conditions that affect the heart, arteries and veins, such as coronary heart disease or stroke)
  • heart failure
  • kidney stones
  • an enlarged prostate
  • a close relative with kidney disease

Kidney symptoms to look out for

It’s also important to see your doctor for a kidney test if you already have symptoms of kidney disease. These include:

  • producing more or less urine than usual
  • feeling more tired than usual
  • loss of appetite
  • shortness of breath
  • feeling generally unwell for more than a few days

Read more about what’s involved in having a test for kidney disease.