Fibromyalgia & Medical Marijuana – Medical Marijuana Awareness

Fibromyalgia & Medical Marijuana - Medical Marijuana Awareness Webinar, March  3rd, 2021 - YouTube

This week, host Marc Matoza of Marijuana Med Today welcomes co-host Dr. Michelle Weiner, Integrative Pain Management Physician. The topic was Fibromyalgia & Medical Marijuana, and attendees participated in a live Q&A session following the presentation.

Fibromyalgia and migraine sufferer Joanne from Swanley “No Headache” from the daith piercing

Daith Piercing for Migraine
Daith Piercing for Migraine

Auntie of Lois Joanne gets a double daith for her fibromyalgia, head fog and migraine issues. Here is Joanne explaining what has just happened.