Beyond the High: 10 Cannabis Strains with Surprising Health Benefits

Cannabis has gradually been moving away from longstanding misconceptions, earning a rightful place in the realm of alternative wellness. As more research is conducted, it’s increasingly clear that various strains of cannabis can potentially contribute to human health in surprising ways. Even notable athletes are embracing cannabis for its health benefits.

Once a controversial substance, cannabis has undergone a renaissance. 

Thanks to its unique mix of cannabinoids, namely CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), cannabis offers potential therapeutic properties. However, the relationship between cannabis and human health is complex and requires a careful approach.

Benefits of Cannabis Use

Cannabis use is associated with several health benefits, including:

  • Pain Relief: Cannabis can help manage chronic pain, significantly improving the quality of life for patients with conditions such as fibromyalgia and endometriosis.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Cannabis has shown potential in reducing inflammation in the body.
  • Improved Mood: Many strains of cannabis are linked to elevating mood and mitigating symptoms of depression.
  • Mental Health Support: Some strains can aid in managing mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Sleep Aid: Cannabis can help insomniacs get a restful night’s sleep, improving overall health and wellness.
  • Appetite Regulation: It can stimulate appetite in patients undergoing treatments like chemotherapy.

10 Cannabis Strains and Their Surprising Health Benefits

There are nearly a thousand cannabis strains in existence today. Below is a list of 10 common strains found in the market, along with their potential benefits:

Charlotte’s Web

Named after a child whose seizures were drastically reduced by this strain, Charlotte’s Web is high in CBD, the non-psychoactive compound in cannabis. Its low THC content makes it ideal for those seeking relief from conditions like epilepsy without the ‘high.’


The ACDC strain, high in CBD and low in THC, is known for its potential in treating various ailments, including chronic pain, anxiety, and seizures. It’s also celebrated for its potential in combating the side effects of chemotherapy.


Harlequin has a high CBD-to-THC ratio, making it effective in managing anxiety without causing the intoxicating effects typically associated with cannabis.


Famed for its low THC and high CBD content, Cannatonic is ideal for those seeking relief from migraines, muscle spasms, and psychological symptoms without significant psychoactive effects.

Girl Scout Cookies

Despite its playful name, Girl Scout Cookies have profound effects. Rich in THC, it is often used for pain relief, appetite stimulation, and managing depression.

Jack Herer

Named after a famous cannabis activist, Jack Herer is a balanced strain known to increase focus and creativity. It is commonly used by patients dealing with mental health issues, such as depression and PTSD.

Northern Lights

This potent strain is a favorite for those seeking a sleep aid. Northern Lights is known for its ability to relax the body and mind, potentially beneficial for individuals with insomnia, stress, and pain.

Sour Diesel

Named for its pungent aroma, Sour Diesel is praised for its energizing effects. This strain might assist those dealing with mental fog, chronic fatigue, and stress-related conditions.

Blue Dream

Blue Dream is a balanced strain offering both physical relaxation and mental alertness. It’s commonly used for managing pain, depression, and nausea.

Pineapple Express

Combining the benefits of pain relief and mental clarity, Pineapple Express is suitable for patients seeking a balanced approach to managing both physical and mental health symptoms.

Possible Drawbacks of Cannabis Use

While the health benefits are encouraging, it’s important to remember that cannabis use is not without potential drawbacks. These include:

Dependence and Addiction

While not everyone who uses cannabis becomes addicted, there’s a risk of developing cannabis use disorder. This disorder, which can range from mild to severe, is characterized by craving the drug and using it despite negative consequences in personal life or health.

Memory Impairment

Cannabis, particularly when used heavily, can impair short-term memory. This effect is mostly associated with strains high in THC. Long-term heavy use can potentially lead to more lasting effects on cognitive function and memory.

Mental Health Complications

While some strains of cannabis may assist in managing mental health issues, some can also exacerbate certain conditions in some individuals. There can be an increase in anxiety, paranoia, or other psychological symptoms, especially with high THC strains or heavy use.

Legal Implications

Although more states and countries are legalizing or decriminalizing cannabis, it’s crucial to understand the legal implications of cannabis use in your specific location. The legality varies greatly, from full recreational use being permitted, to only medicinal use being allowed, to complete prohibition. Violating these laws can result in serious consequences, including fines or imprisonment.


The medical potential of cannabis is significant, with many strains offering surprising health benefits. However, it’s important to use cannabis responsibly and under medical guidance—considering both the potential benefits and drawbacks.

 As the conversation around cannabis continues to evolve, it’s clear that this versatile plant has more to offer than just the high.