Back Pain Blog – treating the symptoms of back pain.

Welcome to the latest in our series of blogs on pain management.  For past articles on pain management please click here

In this article we are focussing on back pain and the treatment of back pain.  Our hope is that ourback pain readers will share their stories giving others in similar situations some ideas and solutions which can help them overcome back pain.

What are the causes of back pain?  Well, they are very varied.  They can range from bad posture and over-exertion of certain muscles (say through sport) through to medical conditions such as ankylosing spondylitis.  Whiplash injuries may also cause severe back pain.

Typical treatment can involve:-

  • In the short term patients can be offered pain killers such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.  In some cases muscle relaxants such as Diazepam might also be prescribed.
  • The use of hot water bottles or ice packs on the affected area of the back.
  • Relaxation exercises and changes on sleeping posture.
  • Regular exercise – the advice is to keep moving.
  • In more severe cases of back pain surgery may  be required.
  • Some people with back pain find that alternative treatments such as acupuncture may help.

There are of course many other treatments for back pain employed such as TENS machines ( and we would love it if you could share your experiences.  You might find the following questions helpful in formulating your responses:-

1)      What was the cause of your back pain?

2)      How did you treat your back pain?

3)      How effective were these treatments for back pain?

4)      How did back pain change your life?

5)      What one piece of advice would you give to somebody who has just started to suffer from back pain?

Please feel free to use the comments box below to tell your back pain story or answer the above questions.  We are confident that our readers will find you contribution really useful.


Many thanks in advance


15 thoughts on “Back Pain Blog – treating the symptoms of back pain.

  1. I would like to share information about The Azambuja Method – a resource for relieving back pain.
    As a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist and professor in Brazil, I have integrated my knowledge of psychology and postural/physical re-education to create The Azambuja Method of pain relief and stress reduction.
    Check out the Azambuja Method’s postural re-education exercises. The poses and stretches elongate the back chain of muscles – the muscles that run from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet. By relaxing these muscles, you can relieve pain and tension throughout your body – and restore the body’s alignment and posture. The best way to understand my work is to experience it, so try the poses posted on Facebook & Instagram. Each pose/stretch has step-by-step instructions. You’ll feel the difference in your body. Go to I would appreciate it if you would like or follow the page and share it.
    Thanks, Felipe Azambuja
    PS For a detailed explaination of The Azambuja Method, go to my website at

  2. I have some back pain from lifting and generally having a crappy
    posture. Last year I got hold of a Posture Right from a website called lutaevono
    and it helped me a lot 🙂

  3. I have suffered from spondylolithesis for the past 26 yrs and was finally diagnosed last yr. ive been on solpadol caplets, 500mg for the last 8 yrs for the pain, I also use a heat pad when the pain is to much, aswell as coping with my ms.

  4. I have ms and had a double spinal fusion almost 2 years ago and have been going for massages to work out the scar tissue.if I sit for too long or in a bad postion my back bothers me. icing the area works for me, too.

  5. I  encourage everyone with pain to watch my 40 minute videos on Youtube ( Peter Luecken). As a Doctor of Chiropractic, I give an explanation of the causes, complications and alternative treatments available to deal with acute or chronic pain. You may also go to my Face book page ( Peter Luecken) for explanations.

  6. back pain, due to bad posture, due to scoliosis of tail end of spine, due to spasticity in upper part of leg. visited teaching hospital and told by doctor [not trainee] to leave it alone. lying down on the opposite side, with a heating pad over affected area, plus pain killer – anti inflammatory tab, only way to relieve pain. can’t manage more than 6 hours in w/chair.

  7. I have been diagnosed with Fibro and I take Thrive supplement and it take care of all my pain.  I also sell it, so if you need samples, let me know.

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