Autistic people – what is your current employment status? Please take our poll

Autism and Employment

Autism and Employment

Like many parents of children on the autism spectrum I have some concerns about the future for my son.

I don’t think it would be an understatement to say that currently few children who have been diagnosed with autism reach their full potential.

So I’m interested in the employment situation of adults on the autism spectrum. To help me understand the current employment situation of people on the autism spectrum it would be great if you could take the poll below.

To deepen our understanding autism and employment please use the comments box below to answer the following questions.

a) Do you have any kind of employment at the moment? Have you had any in the past?
b) Tell us a bit more about your employment story?
c) Have you ever faced discrimination in the workplace because of your autism?
d) What tools would have made securing employment easier?
e) What advice about getting a job would you give to somebody on the autism spectrum?

These questions are just a guide, of course, so feel free to share (or just vent) about anything you consider of importance on the subject of autism and employment?

Thanks very much in advance.

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