Autism- what do you think might be the causes of ASD? Please take our poll and join in our discussion blog!

I support Autism Awareness

I support Autism Awareness

I know that your many of us in the autism community this can be a very controversial question.

What actually causes ASD?

So far the jury is “out” in terms of an official explanation but that does not stop a number of different theories being shared.

Obviously this is a “hot button” subject for many people but we thought a discussion could prove of value.  Because of this we would ask you to remain both polite and charitable if you join in the discussion about the causes of autism in the comments box below.

In the first instance it would be great if you could take part in our poll on the causes of autism below,  Secondly it would be great if you could share more using the comments box below.

We are very keen to hear you opinions.

Many thanks.

7 thoughts on “Autism- what do you think might be the causes of ASD? Please take our poll and join in our discussion blog!

  1. IMO I find it hard to see genetics in play here.  No history in either family side.  First child no autism, moved to a new location, had a second child born with autism.  There are locations in the US that have been mapped with very high autism birth rates.  My opinion…we have destroyed our water sheds.  Our water treatment plants have not been updated in decades.  Everything we through in the ground is pretty disgusting.  For example, batteries, to the land fill they went for decades, only in the last decade have “we” decided we should not through these products in the ground, b/c of the heavy metals.

  2. Genetic factor for sure.
    We have four sons, and the first three all have autism.
    My forth son is only 5 months old, but we are prepared to the possibility that he might be autistic too, since all of his sibblings are.
    We taught about the vaccination factor, so we waited to have a diagnosis for the second and third before getting them vaccinated. But as we could see, vaccinated or not, they still are autistic
    Seeing the number of children with ASD increasing over the years, even if the range of symptoms had become wider than before, for my part, I can’t deny the possibility that ASD might be the next evolution of the human race.
    And if it is true, only time will tell. and by the time it will, I might be long gone.

  3. In my case I am certain it runs in my ex husbands family. He had 3 sisters and a brother, all had a child with some sort of learning difficulty. His brother has a son with dyslexia and his brothers daughter has got a three year old recently diagnosed with autism.
    My son is 25 now and was diagnosed at the age of 5. I have an older son and a younger son both fine. My current partner has a son with Asperger’s syndrome and an older brother with suspected Asperger’s….
    I am not saying it is always the case but there is a strong possibility that it is genetic..

  4. I believe hereditary genetics have nothing to do with autism whatsoever. If this was true everyone or 50% of the population would have classic autism since the beginning of time. There is also no proof. All dna suggestions are also in NT people and the only genetic proof they have right now is fragile x which is extremely rare.


  6. I am a grand mother and like some of my friends have a beautiful two year old grandson with autism. I think something has went seriously wrong.If you read and research on how many babies born each year with some form of autism and mostly boy’s.

  7. I think it is hereditary, and it goes with the same genes as dyslexia. I have dyslexia, I have two brothers with dyslexia, 2 nephews with dyslexia, one brother with asperger and dyslexia and a great nephew with as traits as well as my son having being diagnosed with dyslexia and awaiting assessment with an expected diagnosis of AS. My mum also most likely has dyslexia though never diagnosed. I wouldn’t rule out vaccines as a possible trigger for the onset of autism though (if you are already genetically predisposed to it). My son also had allergies as a baby, asthma and eczema and they now suspect this is genetic but the onset triggered by diesel fumes, we lived near a dual carriageway from when he was born until after he developed symptoms. My son was vaccinated under great duress and in hospital as I lost my first son to cot death 6 hours after being vaccinated. No one could tell me the vaccine was the cause but no one would say it wasn’t either. I know how defensive the medical profession is over vaccines and how little long term research has actually been done on them, saying that I also know that they can save lives and prevent disability. More research is needed on the causes of autism before we can rule any of these things out I think.

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