AUTISM | Memory Difficulties (PERSONAL STORY)

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Autism and memory difficulties can be so frustrating here’s my personal account of why. what is in memory is an interesting relationship I can sometimes remember everything that is that I can remember from the past I’ve ever done.

Autism meltdowns form me come as a result of forgetting things due to autism sensory overload. Other times I will never remember any and all dates that I sent in the future where someone may say hey I’ll see you next week on Thursday I will always forget this.

Autism and the autism brain have an interesting relationship with memory how it starts memory and a forgetfulness and autism forgetfulness comes into play.

I recently had some counselling therapy for autism and I actually forgot which day it was on this was shocking to me and I wanted to make autism awareness of autism memory and lots of memory difficulties this thing on my channel so we can all relate. I hope you enjoy this video and you learn something from the takeaway from this video.