Autism in Infants: 5 Signs We All Need to Know

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” Tessie, our 3 year old on the autism spectrum was diagnosed at 18 months, but we knew that she was autistic much earlier and today I talk about the signs that we saw when she was an infant that she was on the autism spectrum. As parents to a then six year old on the spectrum, we saw many things in Tessie that we believe we probably missed the first time around with Maggie.

While Tessie wouldn’t be able to be diagnosed as being autistic until she was 18 months old, we had very little doubt when that she was from the time she was a tiny baby, and today I share exactly what we saw that caused us to know that she wasn’t neurotypical, even when she was very tiny.

Welcome to Someday I’ll Sleep Autism Vlogs! We talk a lot about autism around here because as a family with two kids on the autism spectrum we believe that autism acceptance is extremely important. We also post family vlogs daily, about our lives. You’ll get glimpses of what’s going on at the moment in our lives, usually in a little town in Michigan, or in the city that Paul works in and where we have about a million therapy sessions each week. “