#Update Autism Do you have an autism related tattoo? Would you share it with other members of the autism community? #Update

Autism Tattoo from Patty

Autism Tattoo from Patty

Years ago when I started getting into both healthcare issues and social media I discovered lots of people had or were planning on having a tattoo related to a health or other condition.

There were two main reasons for this.  In the case of say people with diabetes it was a useful tool to let paramedics or other healthcare professionals know about the condition in case of an accident or a diabetes induced coma.

Within the autism community on the other hand tattoo are used as a great way of raising awareness of ASD and, of course, for  showing support for a loved one.

So we thought it would be great to provide a forum where our readers could share their autism tattoos and other related ASD body art.

So please feel free to post a picture of you tattoo in the comments section of this blog.   If this proves a problem you can email your picture to us at info@patienttalk.org  and we will post them on your behalf.

Thanks very much in advance

Shelley shares “My son is four years old and has ASD. I got this tattoo without color so after it’s fully healed my son and daughter can color the puzzle piece in with four colors. My son still doesn’t talk but has started using sign language to ask please, more, thank you and much more. I know I have only known he has ASD for a short while but no matter what I will always love him for who he is ASD and all.”

Autism Tattoo from Shelley

Autism Tattoo from Shelley

Terri shares ” “Here is my tattoo I got for my 7 yr old ASD son, Damien James. He is my pride and joy. I love him to the moon and back. I chose this tattoo BC I love him, ASD and all. I replaced the O with a blue puzzle piece. Its my favorite tattoo right now. I have other tattoos in the works, all Autism themed for my boy and to spread awareness and ASD love. People see my tattoos and ask questions and this one makes for great convos to explain what autism is to those who don’t understand it. My son is different, not less!!!”

Autism Tattoo from Terri

Autism Tattoo from Terri

Stephanie shares “My son is four years old and has ASD. I got this tattoo without color so after it’s fully healed my son and daughter can color the puzzle piece in with four colors. My son still doesn’t talk but has started using sign language to ask please, more, thank you and much more. I know I have only known he has ASD for a short while but no matter what I will always love him for who he is ASD and all.”

Autism Tattoo from Stephanie

Autism Tattoo from Stephanie

39 thoughts on “#Update Autism Do you have an autism related tattoo? Would you share it with other members of the autism community? #Update

  1. The puzzle pieces in the background for my ASD daughter. Many other symbols for each family member in my life. My artist did an amazing job representing each one.

  2. For my almost 9 year old little girl who spend the first 7.5  years of her life non verbal.. She is using words more and more every day 😀

  3. Paula shares “I had this done in
    honor of my son, Joshua!!  He is my heart!  He has taught me so much
    about life, patience, and never giving up, no matter what it is.  He has 3
    brothers and 1 sister that love him to the moon and back!!  Thank you for
    giving us parents the opportunity to share a piece of our heart with the

  4. For my cousins and children I’ve worked with whose lives are affected by autism. My life is more wonderful and more filled with love

  5. This is for my 11 year old Angel!! To make it more special to me i had my son write his name!! My handsome Angel!!

  6. This is my first tatoo i love my son his 11yr,old!! He was sent to me to be my angel!! I had him write his name to make this more special to my heart!!

  7. While getting my second tattoo, I had my first one touched up and re-coloured in support of my nine year old son.  Gentle in heart, bright in mind and loving in every way. I thank him for this journey, for it’s made me a better person.

  8. I got this tattoo for my 2 boys.  One has severe Autism and the other has Ausberger’s.  I am so very proud of both!

  9. This is the tattoo I got in honor of my now, 13 year old daughter…..she is an amazing, beautiful soul who shows me how to think outside the box on a daily basis

  10. i got this butterfly on my shoulder after receiving a confirmed diagnosis for my son Aiden age 6, i planned the tattoo about 18months prior to getting the official diagnosis (took 4 years). 
    i am always making people autism aware and when people comment on my tattoo i always explain the reason behind it.
    He is my pride and joy and will always support him, fight for him and make people aware.
    Tammy, UK

  11. This is for my son Conner who was diagnosed ASD when he was 2 1/2. He loves to tell people that the ribbon represents Autism and the butterfly wings represent Asperger’s Syndrome and then he loves to point out that it is for him.

  12. This tattoo I had made at september 2013, for my 7 year old son Luca with ASD and his 2 older sisters, ‘Pieces of my heart’. Josefien

  13. Latest tattoo in honour of my son Riobard ( Irish for Robert ). It spells out what his ASD SPD ADHD ODD means to me.

  14. This is for my son Nathaniel. It has the puzzle peice in the eye and says I wish you could see the world through my eyes. He’s 4 and has asd. He has started to talk and will try and talk to anyone and everyone. He’s so loving and wonderful but can be very hard work. Wouldn’t change him for the world

  15. My son just turned 8 and has high functioning autism. He was diagnosed at 3. He is the love of my life along with his sister. The tattoo is to remind me he can spread his wings and fly anytime he wants.

  16. Karen shares “Both of my boys on the Spectrum, Ryan 8 high functioning and Robbie 4 low functioning, the jigsaw puzzle pieces for ASD and the purple ribbon also representing Ryan’s epilepsy.”

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