Autism and Speech & Language Therapy – Have your questions answered at our online Q&A


As you may know we often run online Twitter Q&A’s with specialists in autism and education.

We are delighted to announce our second session for 2020. It is with Ms
Sophie Humphries; the founder and lead therapist of Liverpool Speech Therapy.

Ms Humphries says ” I am a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist with over 10 years experience. 3 years ago I set up my company Liverpool Speech Therapy with a drive to provide effective, dynamic and creative therapy. I was passionate about being able to provide therapy to children when they need it, where they need it and for how long they need it.

Our motto is “building communication skills for a lifetime” because I really believe what we do helps children throughout the rest of their lives.”

She will be taking your questions next January 17th at 15.00 UK time. If you have any question please can you send it to our Twitter address
@AutismTalkAspie and please use the hashtag #AskMiss as well.

Thanks very much in advance to Ms Humphries for giving up her valuable time to help next week and we look forward to welcoming you to our discussion.