10 Reasons why Dark Chocolate is Good for You



Chocolate has often been called the food of the gods and with good reason. It is undoubtedly one of the most coveted foods for human beings today and is seen as a sinful and indulgent treat. Off late however, cocoa rich dark chocolate is rapidly gaining a reputation as a healthy food with a vast array of health benefits. These range from improving concentration and memory to keeping the heart healthy. Read on to discover ten such health benefits that you can gain by eating dark chocolate!

  1. Improves ‘good cholesterol’

Eating dark chocolate could improve the good cholesterol levels according to the experts. This is thought to be because of chemicals called polyphenols which are present in cocoa. Another interesting fact is that the fats present in cocoa viz. oleic acid and stearic acid also don to raise cholesterol levels. So even though it does have some fat content dark chocolate may be a healthier option than other snack food.


  1. Lowers blood pressure

Cocoa is also rich in substances known as flavanols. These compounds are thought to have an effect which is similar to blood pressure-lowering drugs called ACE inhibitors.

They help increase the blood flow and in several researches have shown to lower blood pressure in people.


  1. Keeps your heart healthy

Dark chocolate has a beneficial effect on the entire circulatory system – lowering blood pressure, opening up the blood vessels and reducing inflammation. All this combined works to keep our hearts healthy. Studies have also shown that eating dark chocolate regularly lowers the risk of stroke in both men and women.late.



  1. Prevents liver damage

As with the heart, the flavanols present in dark chocolate improve the flow of blood to the liver. High blood pressure in the veins of the liver is thought to be linked with liver damage and chronic liver disease. Cocoa contains chemicals that are thought to prevent this.


  1. Makes you happy

When we eat chocolate our brain releases chemicals that trigger a feeling of happiness. This cocktail of endorphins and serotonin might also be the reason people say eating chocolate feels better than falling in love!


  1. Gives a boost to your brain

Chocolate is considered good for the bran as well. It has chemical similar to those present in coffee and tea which make you feel alert and improve your concentration levels. What is even more interesting is that dark chocolate was also found to improve cognitive function in the elderly and counteract the negative effects of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.


7 Dark chocolate can help you lose weight

Dark chocolate can also help you lose weight and stay slim. Eating chocolate triggers a feeling of fullness that will keep you from snacking on other things. Dark chocolate is also surprising rich in minerals when compared to other snack food.


8 Dark Chocolate may help prevent diabetes

Another recently discovered benefit of chocolate is that it improves resistance to insulin. This may help prevent the onset of diabetes.


9 Renovates blood vessels

Eating a small amount of chocolate a day can help polish up your arteries. A study found that men who had eaten 70g of dark chocolate a day had healthier blood vessels as a result.


10 Protects your skin against sun damage

Dark chocolate is also remarkable for its antioxidant nature. This helps to contain free radicals and reduce the damage caused by them.


Author bio

Tanya Sen

Tanya Sen quit her well-paying job to follow her dreams and become a writer. She is now creating and managing digital content to build relationships for organizations and individuals. An avid traveller, having visited more than 40 countries. She loves to cook and try different cuisines. She now lives in Goa, India.

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