Are you satisfied with the quality of your healthcare provision? Take part in our research.

At the doctor's office - doctor and patient

At the doctor’s office – doctor and patient

As some of our regular readers will know we are running some rolling research into global perceptions on healthcare provision. This is being done by using a series of online polls ( as opposed to surveys) of which this is the second one.

Our overall objective is to find out how users of healthcare think healthcare can be improved.

So what will we do with this research? Well apart from giving you a voice we plan to put together a report which gives the suggestions of our readers as to how best to reform global healthcare.

Which means that anything you wish to share both in the polls but also in the comments section will be very useful to us.

I have to say the results of the first poll were eye-opening. We asked our readers if they thought that that the Doctors acted as they they were lying to them. You can check out the startling and shocking results here.

Thanks very much in advance for your help with the research!

2 thoughts on “Are you satisfied with the quality of your healthcare provision? Take part in our research.

  1. Agree 100% with smvmcauntiesuz – I have also been disrespected by more doctors as a group than any other groups of people encountered. There is a saying you have to have MS to *get* MS – it seems this applies most of all to the medical profession. Before all this I had a fantastic career and Masters degree – I worked really hard in order to do well for myself. However MS and the action of the medical profession and the social services sector regarding benefits that I still can’t claim has reduced me to a nobody, someone who has no self esteem and no value or self worth. And then they wonder why MS patients feel depressed. Shame on them.

  2. I’m not happy, no.  With new legislation, we are unable to get medication that is well documented that we need.  Also, I’ve been disrespected by more doctors as a group, than by any other group of people I’ve encountered in my life.  I’ve often said that doctors should be required yearly to be certified in sensitivity training.

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