Why Autistic People NEED Stimming


Andy🧠💛 (@IndieAndyUK) | Twitter


Why do autistic people need stimming in their lives? Well in this video today, I talk about autistic stimming and how autism stims or rather this vital autism coping mechanism for autistic people is really important. But also the talk about why you should not stop stimming! If you want to understand autistic stimming better, check out the playlist below:

👉 Autism Stimming Playlist: https://bit.ly/3pJQmkW

What is autistic stimming? Stimming is a shortened term of self-stimulatory behavior and stimming is repetitive actions that a person does to self regulate, to block out stimulus or to relieve anxiety or to express emotion in a physical way. This can include movement of the body or body parts or the way you handle objects. If this is done in a repeating pattern, then this is stimming.

