“Cognitive processing speed can be improved in individuals with multiple sclerosis through walking.”

Promising results support the need for large-scale randomized controlled trials of remote aerobic exercise training in individuals with MS-related cognitive impairment.

Promising results support development of large-scale randomized controlled trial of remote aerobic exercise training in individuals with MS-related cognitive impairment

“Preliminary research funded by the Kessler Foundation demonstrated that remote aerobic walking exercise training could be a successful method for improving cognitive processing speed impairment in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) who are fully ambulatory. The results from this single-blind randomized control trial provide support for designing a larger randomized, controlled trial involving a larger sample of people with MS.”


Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2211034823002134?via%3Dihub

The research team studied a group of 25 fully ambulatory individuals with MS who were initially screened for cognitive processing speed deficits; 19 of them completed the study as required. The researchers used the Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT), a commonly used neuropsychological test to assess information processing speed in people with MS, and the California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT-II), a widely used test for verbal learning and memory. Assessments were carried out at the beginning of the study and after 16 weeks.

Participants were randomly assigned to either 16 weeks of remotely delivered and supported aerobic walking exercise training (intervention condition) or 16 weeks of remotely delivered and supported stretching and range-of-motion activities (control condition). They were given wearable fitness trackers and had weekly video consultations with an exercise specialist to ensure they were using the proper technique, following safety measures, and adhering to the prescribed exercise regimen.

The study’s results were promising. Participants who were randomly assigned to the intervention condition showed significant improvements in their SDMT scores after the 16-week study period compared to participants who were assigned to the stretching condition. This indicates that the remotely delivered aerobic walking exercise training positively impacted their cognitive processing speed. Additionally, the study found that participants had a high adherence rate to the exercise program, completing an average of 80% of the prescribed sessions.

“These findings are very important because cognitive processing speed impairment is a common symptom of MS, affecting up to 70% of patients. This impairment is associated with reduced quality of life, increased unemployment, and decreased social functioning. With limited effective treatments available, this study shows promise for individuals dealing with this disabling symptom.”

The remote delivery and support of the aerobic walking exercise training program have significant implications for improving the accessibility and convenience of care for individuals with MS. Many patients encounter obstacles when trying to attend in-person exercise programs, such as transportation issues or financial constraints. This study shows that exercise programs delivered remotely can be equally effective as traditional in-person interventions, offering a more inclusive solution for people with MS.

The researchers are hopeful about the potential applications of their findings. Lead author Dr. Sandroff, a senior research scientist in the Center for Neuropsychology and Neuroscience Research, stated, “Our study demonstrates that remote aerobic walking exercise training is not only feasible but may also be effective in treating cognitive processing speed impairment in individuals with MS.” The team expects that these findings will inspire the development of more accessible, convenient, and widespread exercise interventions, ultimately leading to an improved quality of life for those affected by this challenging disease.