Unravelling Alexithymia | Prevent Autistic Meltdowns

How can you manage anxiety and avoid meltdowns when you only realise you’re anxious when it’s TOO LATE? Alexithymia is difficulty noticing and categorising your own emotions, and around 50% of Autistic people are Alexithymic as opposed to 5% of neurotypicals. Alexithymia can have some major impacts on managing and processing emotions in daily life and within psychotherapy; in the case of autistic people, we may find anxiety strategies DON’T work for preventing autistic meltdowns. In Thomas’ experience, he could see changes in his emotion-related behaviour, but couldn’t feel the emotion until it became WAY TOO intense… thinking of these behavioural states as different personalities or colours. Within the video Thomas shares his two TOP TIPS for navigating around Autistic alexithymia and reducing incidents of meltdowns and panic attacks in his own life.