This Technique May Help Improve Muscle Weakness and Pain in Fibromyalgia

Image result for How to apply Muscle Energy Technique (MET) for the Latissimus Dorsi

Not much is known about fibromyalgia – only that it causes individuals to experience widespread pain. Living in pain can lead to fatigue, which can make performing even the simplest of tasks a challenge. Many patients may experience pain and weakness in the neck muscles, which are involved in breathing. This can have patients feeling more fatigued. By treating this pain and weakness, patients may not become as tired as quickly.

The latest research findings suggest that physical therapy targeting the fascia – connective tissue beneath the skin that separates muscles from organs – may help reduce pain in fibromyalgia.

One type of therapy is known as muscle energy technique (MET), which is a manual therapy where the patients engage in different muscle contractions.
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