“The Effect of Caregiver Stress on Prospective Memory.” Please help a student at Northumbria University which her research into the impact of stress on parents of children with developmental disability

Northumbria University

Northumbria University

As the parent of a child with autism I am always keen to promote research into the area of developmental delays. We were contacted by Lisa Bartle of Northumbria University in the UK who asked us post this on her behalf.

“Hello, I am a final year Psychology Student at Northumbria University. As part of my final year project I am looking for people to take part in a short, online study looking at the effects of caregiver stress on prospective (everyday) memory. The study should only take 10 minutes to complete. To take part you must be 18 years or older and a parent of a child aged between 3-19 years whom lives at home full time. If you would like to take part please click on the link below. The study and all procedures have been approved by the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences UG Ethics Committee”. Please take the survey here.

Bartle is looking for parents of children “with a developmental disability (Autism, Cerebral Palsy or Sensory Disorder)” to take part in the survey.

As some background the research “will compare levels of stress between caregivers of children with developmental disabilities and caregivers of typically developing children, and we will also consider the effect of care-giving stress on prospective memory. The study will also assess whether negative coping behaviors such as smoking and use of alcohol might underlie the negative impact of caregiver stress on memory”.

Thanks very much for your interest. You can access the survey here.

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