Chocolate courgette bread recipe – perfect for anyone with diabetes or on the Paleo diet

Chocolate courgette bread

Chocolate courgette bread

Chocolate and green veg might not sound like the perfect pairing but this recipe is unexpectedly delicious; the addition of grated courgette gives this loaf a lovely moist texture and it is tasty! Serve it hot out of the oven, and it will become your staple autumn warmer treat.

Nutritionist and chef Christine Bailey shows us just how quick and easy this bake can be. It’s dairy and gluten free and thanks to the zero calorie stevia sweetener, it won’t affect your blood glucose levels- perfect if you’re catering for any diabetics or if you are on a paleo diet. Not only is it packed with flavour, it’s also filled with goodness to give you a natural protein energy boost. And may help promote weight loss.

Your ingredients for this recipe are:

1 medium courgette finely grated (150g)
3 eggs
150g cashew nut butter
30g Truvia calorie free sweetener
25g cocoa powder
30g coconut flour
1tbsp vanilla extract
1tsp cinnamon
1tsp baking powder
½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
Pinch of salt
60g sugar free chocolate chips (dairy free if needed)

A vegan low calorie summer berry ice-cream – great for being part of a weight loss diet

Everyone enjoys ice cream and now you can without ruining your diet

Everyone enjoys ice cream and now you can without ruining your diet

If you think ice-cream is complicated to make and heavy on the calories, think again.

Nutritionist and chef, Christine Bailey shows us just how easy and nutritious ice-cream can be with a few fresh ingredients.

This recipe is rich and creamy but low in calories thanks to the 0 calorie stevia sweetener, and the berry and mint combination keeps it refreshingly light for the taste buds.

Use the season’s brightest berries to make this dairy free, gluten free recipe high in flavour and perfectly on trend.

It’s the perfect sweet treat for the whole year round.

Intermittent fasting – find out about this brilliant way to lose weight and improve health

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is not a form of starvation but a way for you to time your meals to maximize your body’s ability to burn fat. Embed this infographic on your site to serve as a guide for you to create a healthy eating plan, and reap the many benefits of fasting done the right way. Use the embed code to share it on your website or visit our infographic page for the high-res version.

<img src="" alt="Intermittent Fasting" border="0" style="max-width:100%; min-width:300px; margin: 0 auto 20px auto; display:block;"><p style="max-width:800px; min-width:300px; margin:0 auto; text-align:center;">"<a href="">Intermittent fasting</a>" is not a form of starvation but a way for you to time your meals to maximize your body's ability to burn fat. Embed this infographic on your site to serve as a guide for you to create a healthy eating plan, and reap the many benefits of fasting done the right way. Visit our infographic page for the high-res version.</p>

Now my wife and I are on the 5:2 diet so I found this infographic very interesting.

Have you tried intermittent fasting? If so please share your story in the comments section below.

Summer Fresh Asian Prawn Salad – for people with diabetes and those of us who want some weight loss!

Food for people with diabetes and weight loss

Food for people with diabetes and weight loss

With the sun shining and warmer air filling our lungs, we’re all looking for that perfectly light recipe to freshen our plates. This heavenly Asian prawn salad will do just the job.

Nutritionist and chef, Christine Bailey, uses the freshest ingredients to give us a low calorie, low carb, sweet and sour flavour explosion. Best of all, the sweetener (which comes from the stevia plant) has 0 calories and won’t affect your blood glucose levels- perfect if you’re catering for any diabetics or waist band watchers.

Want to make it vegetarian? Just substitute the prawns for your favourite tofu. The complimentary flavours in the dressing and sweetness from Truvia will ensure your taste buds definitely aren’t missing out.

What do you think about the idea of a fat tax? Take our poll

On Monday of this week the British Medical Association announced that it was lobbying the UK’s

Do you support a fat tax?

Do you support a fat tax?

government to try to ensure a 20% tax on sugary drinks to help find the obesity epidemic by promoting weight loss.

Indeed if Prof Sheila Hollins is to be believed then it will take 180,000 folk out of the obesity zone. Thus lowering the number of people who develop conditions such as T2 diabetes, for example!

So what is your view? Should we be increasing taxes on things which are fattening?

We have created a poll below to allow you to share your opinion.

It would be great if you would use the comments section below to add anything else you think would be of interest to our readers.

Thanks very much in advance!