Weight loss with an Infrared Sauna

We all have heard  about the miracle of infrared or dry sauna in our life. But have you think that what is the connection  between your well being and dry saunas? A normal  man (150 pound/68 kg) can burn a certain amount of calories by undertaking 30 minutes of activities, like

-Daily jogging can burn your  300 calories.

-By playing fast tennis can burn your 225 calories.

-Cycling by 10 mph can burn 225 calories.

-Marathon running can burn your  590 calories.

-By playing racket game like badminton,piton.

But did you know the fact that just sitting in the infrared sauna one can burn 400-600 calories in just 30 minute session.  If you are interested in find out more such interesting facts about infrared saunas and the benefit that you will get from this type of therapy, then don’t forgot to check out the infographic below!

Weight loss with an infra red sauna

Weight loss with an infra red sauna


Source: UK Saunas

Tips for successful dieting

Tips for successful dieting

Tips for successful dieting

Whichever slimming plan you have decided to follow, these helpful tips from an international chain of weight loss classes are designed to help you stay on your diet until you reach your desired weight, then maintain your new, slim figure for life. And, for those inclined to have an occasional lapse, there are tips to help you know where you went wrong and how to start again.

Tips for successful dieting


  • If your motivation for eating is a desire to reward yourself, go out and buy something nice instead of treating yourself to a cream-filled pastry.
  • A hobby that keeps your hands busy is a mainstay when you might otherwise wander to the fridge out of boredom.
  • Don’t test your willpower. If you had a lot of it, you wouldn’t have to diet in the first place.
  • Never weigh yourself alone. This, more than any other thing, causes people to go off their diets, particularly if the scales show they have gained. Have a friend weigh you weekly or attend a weight reduction class.
  • Get involved in activities which keep your morale up, it’s easier to diet when you feel good about yourself.
  • Keep all junk foods out of the house.
  • Limit between-meal snacks to fruit, vegetables, tomato juice, low-calorie drinks, or special low-calorie recipes.
  • If you live alone, watch it. You can get accustomed to snacking instead of eating regular meals, and you’ll pay the price nutritionally.
  • When you go to a restaurant, take low-calorie salad dressing with you, or ask for vinegar or a wedge of lemon. Otherwise, while you might feel noble eating a tossed salad, you could be ruining your whole meal plan with a couple of tablespoons of high-calorie salad dressing.
  • Eat three meals a day and don’t “crash” diet by skipping meals, especially breakfast! Many overweight people get into the bad habit of not eating all day. When evening comes, they go crazy with calories!
  • Don’t feel you have to make up excuses to hide the fact that you’re dieting. You have the right to try to be your healthiest, best-looking self.
  • Don’t allow guilt to destroy your diet. One lapse doesn’t mean you should go mad and eat everything in sight! Remember, with the next mouthful you are back on the diet.
  • Exercise whenever possible. It helps burn off unwanted calories and firm up flabby muscles. Even simple things help. Climb stairs instead of using lifts, leave the car at home and walk more! Try swimming, biking, playing tennis. Do yoga. But whatever you do, do something. Don’t just sit there!
  • Keep a diet diary. It’s amazing how much food we eat and then forget! Write down everything you eat every day for at least a week. (Even broken biscuits count!) It will soon become apparent why so many of us are overweight.


… for those who’ve gone off a diet


Start your diet again, this minute! Don’t try to compensate by over-dieting, skipping meals or otherwise “punishing” yourself. The Simple 14-Day Diet is simple, very effective and will fit easily into your lifestyle.


  • Review the two days before you went off the diet. Write down the events that triggered the slip.
  • Now rewrite your script. What could you have done other than eat?
  • Throw out troublesome foods. Don’t try out your willpower at this time. Better not house your problems where they are available.
  • Plan some activity for every day in the next two weeks. Give yourself small units of time to anticipate, and be where the food isn’t.
  • Draw up a menu plan for the week. Include foods that are diet treats.
  • Be sure you are getting your beauty rest. Nothing is more destructive to a diet than fatigue. Your defences are down when you’re tired, and you may not resist the temptation to eat.
  • Place artificial sweetener, low-calorie salad dressing, and pocket-sized calorie counter in your bag. They are your emergency kit for eating out.
  • Make an appointment with your doctor for a thorough check-up. Review your weight control program with him.
  • Keep your diet to yourself. The less you talk diet, the more you will diet.


… for maintaining weight loss


Throw out all clothes that fit you “when” – except for the most atrocious thing in your wardrobe. Having nothing to return to but bare skin is a sobering consideration.


  • Make an appointment with a photographer for a glamorous, full-length portrait shot. Distribute it to all friends and family so that the first little bulge will bring you an avalanche of phone calls.
  • Join a good exercise or yoga class to firm up your new figure.
  • Keep a record of your weight fluctuations so that you know which foods trigger your allergy to fat.
  • Be sure to weigh in faithfully. Don’t rely on a snug waistline to tip you off that you are gaining. Your fat may show up on your hips, arms, or head first.
  • Don’t desert your old diet friends. Those diet foods that faithfully served you as you lost weight, low-calorie drinks, fruits, skim milk, low-calorie dressings, deserve your abiding loyalty in return for service rendered.
  • If you know one food in particular will set you off on an eating binge, never touch a morsel of it. That food is to you what alcohol is to the alcoholic. You may never have it again.
  • Don’t be disappointed when others don’t praise you for your accomplishment. Some people are openly hostile to good losers because they cannot stand success in others. Remember always that you have conquered yourself. You can now do anything.
  • If you are not working, and don’t wish to, find a voluntary organization that will expand your horizons. Spend some concern on others, not your stomach.
  • Regard the first two kilograms regained as the start of a severe attack of obesity. Immediately return to your reducing diet and remain on it until you have passed “goal.” Go one kilogram under your desired weight just to be on the safe side. Remember, you can do it. And keep this in mind: “A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.”


Lily is a diet expert who enjoys sharing tips on cardiac diet to reduce your risk of heart disease

Why you should ride to work or school on a bike?

Full disclosure! I’m a born again cyclist. I was told by my doctor to lose weight a couple of years ago and took up cycling.

In the last two years I’ve lost pounds , got fitter and seen loads of places I’d never thought I’d go.

Next month I’m riding down the Rhine with a old college buddy.

So check out the benefits and join us!

Bike to Work Week
Via FitnessforWeightLoss.com

Weight loss – dieting for a year show weight loss can be maintained!

CWP 2016 choc shake and sachet port RGBExperts have welcomed newly published research that shows how weight loss can be maintained, without dieters inevitably regaining their original weight, by dieting for a year.

They say the breakthrough study by the University of Copenhagen into hormonal adaptions to weight loss sheds light on how weight loss with formula diets may help address the UK’s escalating diabetes and obesity problem, by showing it takes 12 months of dieting before the body’s chemicals change and a new weight can be permanently maintained.

The study showed that healthy, but obese, people put on a Cambridge Weight Plan 810 calorie formula diet for eight weeks lost 13 percent of their weight and kept the weight off after a 52 week maintenance formula diet.

The study looked at hormonal changes associated with effective long-term weight loss and feelings of fullness and allowed researchers new insights into the complex processes involved in obesity and especially weight loss in obesity.

Researchers in Denmark have found that obese people who had shed an eighth of their weight on an intensive diet and then kept it off for a year saw dramatic changes in the chemicals governing their appetites.

Professor Leeds, medical director of Cambridge Weight Plan said: “This shows for the first time that if enough weight is lost and kept off for long enough then the body seems to adjust to the lower weight and does not fight to try to regain it.

“This has very important implications for considering the use of formula diet programmes in community settings and GP practices as a way to combat obesity.”

“Since we now have good evidence that people can lose about ten percent of their body weight, usually about one and a half stone, and maintain that, it helps to have evidence that explains how weight loss is maintained.”

“Weight maintenance can be achieved by a permanent change in diet and eating behaviour and by physical activity, but not everyone can do this using conventional diet and keep the weight off, so this study reinforces the value of formula diets.”

Shake-Chocolate Mint-NEWAssociate Professor Signe Sørensen Torekov from the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, said: “The interesting and uplifting news in this study is that if you are able to maintain your weight loss for a longer period of time, it seems as if you have ‘passed the critical point’, and after this point, it will actually become easier for you to maintain your weight loss than it was immediately after the initial weight loss.

“Thus, the body is no longer fighting against you, but actually with you, which is good news for anyone trying to lose weight.

“We were able to show that you shouldn’t give up. If you’re able to keep your weight down for a year, then it shifts and becomes easier.”

“Other clinical trials are addressing the question of whether a ten percent weight loss with a total diet replacement of formula foods for eight weeks can prevent diabetes if followed by an effective weight loss strategy,” continued Professor Leeds.

“This new paper from Copenhagen encourages us to believe that we’re on the right path, when Britain is facing the risk of another million people with diabetes in 20 years’ time. Losing enough weight is known to be the key component of diabetes prevention programmes, an essential requirement for early diabetes reversal and for improving more advanced diabetes.”

Professor Gary Frost, who studies how people with diabetes can successfully lose weight at Imperial College London also welcomed the study: “Getting the right amount of weight loss to reverse early diabetes or improve more advanced diabetes is important. Just a few pounds won’t do. The right amount of change can be delivered initially with formula diet, followed by carefully managed re-introduction of conventional foods.

“I am convinced that when doctors and dietitians become familiar with how to help people through these impressive weight losses this will become a standard option within health care services on a global scale.”


The study findings were recently published in the European Journal of Endocrinology.

The main finding in the study revealed that after one year of successful weight loss maintenance, the researchers were able to demonstrate that postprandial levels of two appetite inhibiting hormones (GLP-1 and PYY) increased (=appetite inhibition) from before-weight loss level – in contrast to the hunger hormone ghrelin, which increased immediately after weight loss but returned to normal levels (= low hunger) after one year. This demonstrates that the hormones GLP-1 and PYY are able to adjust to a new ‘set point’ and thus may facilitate the continuation of a new and lower body weight.

“We know that obese people have low levels of the appetite inhibiting hormone GLP-1. The good thing is that now we are able to show that you can actually increase the levels of this hormone as well as the appetite inhibiting hormone PYY by weight loss and that the levels are kept high (=increased appetite inhibition) when you maintain your weight loss for a year,” adds first author of the study MD and PhD student Eva Winning Iepsen

Cambridge Weight Plan is an evidence-based formula diet programme that delivers safe weight loss and maintenance at greater rates than occurs after conventional diet. Gold-standard clinical trials have shown weight loss and maintenance of about 10kg (10 per cent) of body weight for four years in elderly obese people with knee osteoarthritis with reduced pain and improved cardiovascular profiles maintained for at least one year. Similar findings have been shown in men with moderate and severe obstructive sleep apnoea, in women following heart attack and in people with psoriasis. Studies to demonstrate prevention of diabetes and reversal of early diabetes are underway. A recent presentation in Britain showed that a weight loss of 10kg in those with obesity and insulin treated type 2 diabetes can improve blood glucose control and reduce insulin dose. Four out of 10 participants were able to stop taking insulin.

Top tips on how to fight the cravings and maintain a healthy weight

Shona Wilkinson

Shona Wilkinson

Watch our video featuring nutritionist Shona Wilkinson for helpful tips and advice on how you can maintain a healthy weight in 2016

Many of us think that we are taking the right steps in being healthy, which means it can be frustrating when we are not feeling as energetic and happy as we would like. There are many factors that you may not even think about, such as stress, which can lead our bodies to release glucose to the blood stream quickly, which usually gets converted into energy and with many of us living inactive lifestyles the glucose turns to fat. This can often make it difficult to maintain your weight. Therefore, lowering your sugar intake, or replacing sugar in your diet with healthier options can help you feel happier and healthier.

Shona Wilkinson, head nutritionist at NutriCentre  shares her advice on how many different factors can impact your weight and what you can do to make sure 2016 is the year you finally achieve your ideal body.

Below are some helpful tips to help you with your weight management this year.

  1. When you’re trying to be healthy one of the best things you can do is cut out sugary drinks which are full of sugar, sweeteners, additives, colourings and preservatives.  If you are avoiding sugary drinks it can be nice to give yourself something a bit different to just water – as wonderful as water is! You may think water can be boring, but here are a few suggestions that may inspire you to get a bit more creative when it comes to drinking your two litres a day.

  • Water and fruit- Fruit juice is a favourite drink for many people but it contains too much fructose (sugar) when drunk neat. So what about infused water? To add natural flavour to your drinking water you can steep flavoursome and fragrant things in it (for at least two hours), you will be amazed at what a difference it makes.
  1. Sugar makes our food taste great, gives us a quick boost of energy, and makes us feel good, at least temporarily. But it’s also a highly addictive substance and when consumed frequently, can have negative effects on our health.
  2. Make sure your meals contain protein, non-starchy vegetables and unrefined carbohydrates. To avoid the cycle of blood glucose dips and peaks that make you reach for sugar, it is vital to base your meals on foods that have a ‘low glycaemic index rating’, that make you feel full and are digested slowly. Perhaps the most important of these are foods that contain good amounts of protein.
  3. Have breakfast! – As well as ensuring your meals and snacks give a slow release of energy, it is vitally important that one of these meals is a healthy breakfast.
  4. Quitting sugar doesn’t mean you shouldn’t snack- When choosing your between-meal nibbles, remember that they should be based on the same principles as above and contain protein, healthy fats and/or unrefined carbohydrates
  5. Take some exercise – Moderate exercise helps us to feel energised, less sluggish, and healthier. It can help to control stress levels and also support blood sugar control to avoid dips that will induce cravings.
  6. Support your energy with B vitamins, vitamin C and magnesium- B vitamins, vitamin C and the mineral magnesium are particularly important nutrients that are needed to produce energy from the foods that we eat; and we can struggle to get enough of them, even in a healthy diet.


So whether you have fallen off the New Year’s Resolution band wagon, are looking for motivation to stay dedicated or simply looking for inspiration to help beat the cravings, watch our video for helpful tips.