How To Stop Vomiting

Throwing up

Throwing up


Throwing up bile is one thing that many people encounter. But not everyone is concerned about its danger. Let’s find out about this issue!

What is the Bile?

The bile secretes about 700-800 ml a day and it is stored normally in the gallbladder. At mealtime, the gallbladder contracts and moves the bile into the duodenum. The Bile is secreted from the liver, yellow to blue, bitter and alkaline (pH 7 to 7,7).

The role of bile:

Digest fats,

help to absorb the vitamins A, D, E, K;

it stimulates secretion and activation of the pancreas, intestinal fluid;

create the alkaline environment in the intestine, stimulate the intestinal motility, inhibit the activity of rotten bacteria.

In addition to digestive function, bile also helps remove bilirubin – a degenerate product of Hemoglobin in red blood cells. Normally, the pylorus (the end of the stomach) is a one-way valve. It does not allow substances inside the duodenum to reflux into the stomach. But for some reason, the pyloric valve is not closed. It makes the bile throw up into the stomach and then back to the esophagus if the cardiac stomach valve is open.

Causes of Throwing up bile

Gastric ulcer causes the muscles of the pylorus weaker than normal; It makes food stagnant long in the stomach. This also increases the pressure of the stomach causing the muscles of the cardiac stomach and pylorus to weaken. This is a cause of throwing up bile

How To Stop Vomiting

How To Stop Vomiting

News Flash – Infectious diarrhoea and vomiting outbreak in UK

Yesterday I had to attend a routine appointment at my local hospital in London.

Outside the main gate way a massive sign announcing that the area was undergoing a massive Infectious diarrhoea and vomiting outbreak.  They have asked people with these symptoms not to enter the hospital

I thought it would be of value to share the information with our readers.  The hospital in question is St Georges in Tooting.

If you know other hospitals requesting the same thing please can you mention it in the comments section.

Otherwise can we ask you to share the information with anyone you think it may be relevant to.

Many thanks

Infectious diarrhoea and vomiting

Infectious diarrhoea and vomiting