Cooling Technology for Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis heat intolerance

Multiple sclerosis heat intolerance

Cooling Technology for Multiple Sclerosis

I came across this video from Dr. Kantor who tells us about the different kinds of Cooling Technology available for those with a Heat Sensitivity. Also called Uthoff’s Phenomenon. To find out more have a look at this great infographic on MS heat intolerance.

You might also be interested in this cost effective idea for colling down in hot weather.

But this overview is very useful and well worth a watch!

Multiple Sclerosis Heat Intolerance or Uthoff’s Phenomenon. Find out more!

Multiple Sclerosis heat intolerance

Multiple Sclerosis heat intolerance

Donnee Spencer has produced this brilliant infographic introducing multiple sclerosis heat intolerance or Uthoff’s Phenomenon as it is also called. Donne says “I didn’t write this one, I just took the write up and designed a background for it, but it’s great info for how the heat affects us!” Do you know where the text comes from? If so please let us know in the comments section so we can put up and acknowledgement and link.

It is worth mentioning that Donnee that Donnee has started her own Facebook page called My Life with MS. Please do consider joining here.

Finally you might be interested in what we think is a genius idea for keeping cool in this heat.