5 Common Symptoms of MS That I Have and Tips to Help Manage Them

When we live with MS, there can be dozens of symptoms, and they can interfere with our lives, our ability to work, and our quality of life. In this video, I am going to go over five common MS symptoms that I have and some tips and evidence-based ways to help us manage symptoms and improve our quality of life. These symptoms include fatigue, Uhthoff’s phenomenon, cog fog, spasms, and weakness.

Twelve Unusual Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can affect any part of the central nervous system so people with MS can experience a lot of different symptoms. In this video I share some of the unusual symptoms of MS such as Dysphagia, Dysarthria, Dysesthesia, Dysesthetic itching, Optic Neuritis, Lhermitte’s Sign, Uhthoff’s phenomenon, Pseudobulbar Affect, and more. I hope to help people understand MS and its symptoms a bit more with this video. I also hope to encourage those with MS to make diet and lifestyle changes to support their health and well-being, seek treatment through physical therapy and work with their doctors to get medications when appropriate.

Multiple Sclerosis – what is Uhthoff’s Phenomenon ?

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Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – Uhthoff’s Phenomenon heat sensitivity in MS.

Do you experience any of the following symptoms: Numbness, burning, tingling, pins and needless, creeping crawling feeling, altered sensation, weakness?

Have you ever wondered WHY the above symptoms have a tendency to become much worse in the hot weather, or perhaps when you take a bath or like me, come down with a virus?

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) or not, its possible you may be searching for answers to the above questions. I’d never even heard of “Uhthoff’s Phenomenon” before, but it ultimately played a key part in my MS Diagnosis.