Fatigue ” I can’t remember what it feels like not to be tired!” – Donnee Spencer has produced a brilliant infographic to help educate the world about life with fatigue.

Fatigue from Donnee Spencer

Fatigue from Donnee Spencer

Donnee Spencer has very graciously let us share her brilliant new infographic about fatigue. While Donne is a member of the multiple sclerosis community this really applies to so many other conditions such as cancers or fibromyalgia. it would be really great if you could share this as widely as possible.

Donnee shares “This was my third of four MS poster creation I started creating them last year in an attempt to help MS’ers explain to others what it is that we go through The extreme fatigue we live with is one of the hardest things for others to understand!”

Many thanks.

Tired all the time? How about a few lifestyle changes to raise your energy levels?

Fatigue and rest

Fatigue and rest

As we all know fatigue is a by-product not just of medical conditions (fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis come to mind) but can also be caused by the pressures of modern life.

Previously we have looked at natural treatments for fatigue (https://patienttalk.org/?p=614) so today we would like to focus on lifestyle changes that might boost your energy levels.

a)      Drink less!  Or even cut alcohol completely from your daily or weekly routine.  While a glass of wine may relax you it also takes a lot out of your body. Thus making you tired and sluggish in the morning.  Or try just a few alcohol free days a week.

b)      Give red meat the boot.  Lots of people have found that moving to a vegetarian or semi-vegetarian diet boosts their energy levels.

c)       Counselling.  There is some evidence that people who have under gone counselling often find themselves refreshed in body as well as mind.

d)      A big breakfast.  Regular and healthy snacks are better than one big blow out each day.  And do remember that old proverb “Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dine like a pauper”. In fact it is good for weight loss as well so do consider.

e)      Drink more water.  For other health benefits of drinking more water check out our previous blog https://patienttalk.org/?p=320.

f)       Exercise. Even a few minutes of exercise can boot your energy levels, raise your endorphins and therefore your sense of wellbeing.

And finally of course the one main lifestyle change!  Get a good night’s sleep.  Lots of us don’t get enough sleep so why not go to bed an hour earlier?

Do you have any tips for fighting fatigue?   Please use the comments box below to make any suggestions that you think might be of help to your fellow readers.