TMJ Pain: A Potential Symptom of Multiple Sclerosis, and New Hope for Relief

Temporomandibular disorder
Temporomandibular disorder

For individuals living with multiple sclerosis (MS), temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders may be an overlooked but significant contributor to their daily discomfort. TMJ disorders, often linked to jaw pain and inflammation, have now been connected to broader nerve-related issues that can align with MS symptoms. Thanks to groundbreaking research by scientists at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, there’s new hope for understanding and treating TMJ-related pain—particularly for those also managing conditions like MS.

Published in Pain journal, the study, led by Yu Shin Kim, PhD, sheds light on the intricate pain pathways associated with TMJ disorders. Using innovative in vivo imaging, researchers captured the real-time activity of over 3,000 trigeminal ganglion (TG) neurons. These neurons, located at the base of the brain, transmit sensory information across the face, head, and mouth and are crucial players in conditions such as TMJ disorders and MS.

TMJ, Inflammation, and Nerve Connections to MS

In MS, the immune system attacks the central nervous system, leading to widespread inflammation and nerve dysfunction. This research highlights how TMJ disorders, often characterized by joint misalignment or injury, can trigger inflammation that spreads through connected nerve networks. Such inflammation can exacerbate nerve-related issues, aligning with the pain and discomfort many MS patients experience.

The study found that TMJ-related inflammation activates over 100 neurons simultaneously, shedding light on the specific neural pathways involved. This is significant because MS-related trigeminal nerve pain—sometimes experienced as facial pain or sensitivity—may overlap with TMJ symptoms, further complicating diagnosis and treatment.

A Step Toward Better Treatments

Kim’s team also explored the potential of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (CGRP) antagonists, already approved for migraine treatment, as a promising solution for TMJ pain. CGRP, a molecule associated with pain transmission and inflammation, is found in higher levels in TMJ disorders. By reducing CGRP levels in synovial fluid, researchers observed relief from TMJ pain and hypersensitivity in TG neurons.

For MS patients who might experience TMJ pain as part of their broader symptoms, this discovery offers new therapeutic possibilities. While no FDA-approved treatments specifically target TMJ disorders, CGRP antagonists could bridge the gap, providing relief not only for jaw-related pain but also for the overlapping nerve pain linked to MS.

Seeing Pain at Its Source

What makes this research groundbreaking is the in vivo imaging technique that allows scientists to observe neuronal activity in unprecedented detail. This tool provides a real-time view of how pain develops, spreads, and interacts with the nervous system—offering valuable insights for conditions like TMJ disorders, MS, and even migraines.

“This imaging technique and tool allows us to see pain at its source—down to the activity of individual neurons,” said Kim. “Our hope is that this approach will advance treatments for TMJ disorders while also offering new strategies for managing other chronic pain conditions.”

Hope for the Future

TMJ disorders are the second most common musculoskeletal condition in the United States, affecting 8% to 12% of Americans. For those also navigating the complexities of MS, these findings represent a step toward better understanding and more targeted, effective treatments. By unlocking the neural connections between TMJ disorders and systemic conditions like MS, this research paves the way for a future where chronic pain no longer feels insurmountable.

If TMJ pain is impacting you or a loved one with MS, these findings are a reminder that relief may be on the horizon—helping to address not just the pain but its deeper causes.

Temporomandibular disorder – an overview of the signs and symptoms

Temporomandibular disorder

Temporomandibular disorder


Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a problem affecting the ‘chewing’ muscles and the joints between the lower jaw and the base of the skull.

Doctors sometimes refer to the condition as “myofascial pain disorder”.

It’s been estimated that up to 30% of adults will experience TMD at some point in their lives.

The condition itself isn’t usually serious, and the symptoms it can cause – including pain, jaw joint clicking or popping, and difficulties eating – usually only last a few months before getting better.

However, these symptoms can significantly lower quality of life, and specialist treatment might be required if they’re severe.

What are the symptoms?

TMD can cause:

  • clicking, popping or grating noises as you chew or move your mouth
  • muscle pain around the jaw
  • pain in front of the ear that may spread to the cheek, ear and temple
  • difficulty opening the mouth – the jaw may feel tight, as if it is stuck, making eating difficult
  • headache or migraine
  • earache or a “buzzing” or blocked sensation in the ear
  • pain in other areas of the body – such as neckache or backache

These symptoms may lead to related symptoms, such as disturbed sleep.

What are the causes?

Possible causes of TMD include:

  • clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth during sleep (bruxism) – which overworks the jaw muscles and puts pressure on the joint (often caused by stress)
  • wear and tear of the inside of the jaw joint – usually caused by osteoarthritis
  • injury to the jaw joint – for example, after a blow to the face or surgery
  • stress – some people may inherit increased sensitivity to pain or stress
  • uneven bite – for example, when new fillings, dental crowns or dentures are fitted
  • specific diseases – TMD may be associated with specific diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout or fibromyalgia

However, some people may develop TMD without an obvious cause being found.

How is TMD treated?

If you have TMD, see your GP or dentist first for diagnosis and to discuss treatment options.

Generally, non-surgical treatments such as lifestyle changes and self-help physiotherapy-type treatments are tried first.

A small number of people with severe TMD may be referred to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon to discuss further treatment options.

Lifestyle changes

There are a number of self-help measures that can help improve TMD, including:

  • resting the joint by eating soft food and avoiding chewing gum
  • holding a warm or cold flannel to the jaw for 10-20 minutes, several times a day
  • doing a few gentle jaw-stretching exercises – your healthcare professional can recommend appropriate exercises
  • avoiding opening the joint too wide until the pain settles
  • avoiding clenching the teeth for long periods of time
  • massaging the muscles around the joint
  • relaxation techniques to relieve stress
  • not resting your chin on your hand

Mouth guards

Mouth guards (plastic devices that fit over your teeth) may be helpful if you grind your teeth.

These cover the teeth at night to reduce jaw clenching and teeth grinding, and can be made to measure by your dentist.

Read more about treatments for teeth grinding.


Painkillers such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or codeine can help relieve the pain associated with TMD.

If these aren’t enough to control the pain, your doctor may prescribe stronger medication such as a muscle relaxant or antidepressant.

Steroid injections

If TMD is caused by a disease such as arthritis, a steroid injection into the jaw joint can help reduce pain and swelling in a joint or the surrounding soft tissue.

Most people report feeling less pain within the first 24 hours to one week.

You may find your pain improves for a period of a few weeks to several months and, in some cases, the injection resolves the pain completely.

Read more about corticosteroids (steroids).


If the above measures don’t help and the source of your symptoms is the temporomandibular joint – rather than the chewing muscles – your specialist may suggest a surgical treatment such as arthrocentesis (joint wash-out).

Open joint surgery may be considered in the rare cases where there is an abnormality within the joint.

Total joint replacement may be recommended for an extremely small number of people with severe, long-lasting symptoms and impaired jaw function. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has produced guidelines on this procedure.

Read the NICE 2009 guidelines on artificial total temporomandibular joint replacement.

All joint surgery can have significant side effects and you should discuss these with your surgeon.


Most cases of TMD improve over time and do not get worse, and most people will not need surgery.

In the meantime, symptoms can often be improved with the treatments mentioned above.