Es busquen nens i nenes autistes d’entre set i deu anys per una investigació a Barcelona

Robots and autism

Robots and autism

El meu nom és Maria Blancas i estic cursant un màster en Sistemes Cognitius i Mitjans Interactius a la universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Estic portant a terme una tesina centrada en la relació entre l’autisme infantil i la robòtica, amb la finalitat de comprovar si pot existir una millora en el comportament social dels nens i nenes amb TEA mitjançant la interacció amb un robot imitatiu.

És per aquest motiu que em poso en contacte amb vostès, amb la finalitat de trobar famílies ambnens i nenes amb TEA d’entre set i deu anys que volguessin participar en un estudi. Aquest es compon de tres sessions (distribuïdes en tres dies diferents, per no atabalar els infants) d’uns quinze minuts cadascuna i dividides en quatre parts, amb descans entre elles.

En aquestes, els nens i les nenes interactuaran amb l’iCub, un robot amb aspecte d’un nen de tres anys, considerat l’humanoide més avançat d’Europa (fotografia afegida al final del correu). El robot imitarà el seu comportament en algunes parts i es quedarà quiet a d’altres, mentre ells tindran diverses joguines a la sala amb les quals poder jugar. Els pares podran estar amb ells durant les diferents parts si així ho desitgen.

Les sessions es realitzaran a les instal·lacions del Campus de la Comunicació de la universitat Pompeu Fabra, situades al número 138 del carrer Roc Boronat de Barcelona. Si tenen qualsevol pregunta al respecte, no dubtin en contactar amb mi mitjançant aquest correu electrònic ( o comentant aquest post.

Resto a l’espera de resposta.

Atentament i gràcies,

Maria Blancas Muñoz

Se buscan niños y niñas autistas entre siete y diez años para una investigación en Barcelona

Robots and autism

Robots and autism

Mi nombre es Maria Blancas y estoy cursando un máster en Sistemas Cognitivos y Media
Interactivos en la universidad Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Estoy llevando a cabo una tesina
centrada en la relación entre el autismo infantil y la robótica, con la finalidad de comprobar si puedeexistir una mejora en el comportamiento social de los niños y niñas con TEA a través de la interacción con un robot imitativo.
Por ese motivo, me pongo en contacto con ustedes con el fin de encontrar familias con niños y niñascon TEA de entre siete y diez años que quisieran participar en un estudio. Éste se compone de tressesiones (distribuidas en tres días diferentes, para no atosigar a los niños y niñas) de unos quince minutos cada una y divididas en cuatro partes, con descanso entre ellas. En estas, los niños y niñas interaccionarán con el iCub, un robot con aspecto de un niño de tres años, considerado el humanoide más avanzado de Europa (fotografía añadida al final del documento).

El robot imitará su comportamiento en algunas partes y se quedará quieto en otras, mientras ellos tendrán diversos juguetes en la sala con los que jugar. Los padres podrán estar con ellos durante las diferentes partes si así lo desean. Las sesiones se realizarán en las instalaciones del Campus de la Comunicación de la universidad Pompeu Fabra, situadas en el número 138 de la calle Roc Boronat de Barcelona.

Si tienen cualquier pregunta al respecto, no duden en contactar conmigo mediante un correoelectrónico a o comentando este post.

Quedo a la espera de respuesta,

Atentamente y gracias,

Maria Blancas Muñoz

Fighting flab – 5 foods that help to promote weight loss

Celery and Weight Loss

Celery and Weight Loss

Wanting to lose weight is pretty much standard after the age of 40.   Indeed any form of obesity can cause complications for people with medical conditions like arthritis or heart disease.

We know that low calorie foods can help with weight loss.  But are there any types of foods which can actually help us lose weight?   PatientTalk decided to investigate. And we have to say the results are fascinating.

There are, it seems, a number of food stuffs which can assist in weight loss.

  • Beans.  Not just are beans low in fat but they contain cholecystokinin which is a naturally occurring appetite suppressant.    And they can help low your cholesterol as well.
  • White tea. The antioxidants in white tea may well speed up your metabolism thus promoting weight loss.  For other benefits have a look at our previous blog on white tea –
  • Celery. Not only does eating raw celery use up as many calories as are in the celery it also raises your body’s metabolism.  And it is great in Italian food.
  • Chillies – capsaicinone, the active ingredients in peppers, helps suppress your appetite.
  • Pears. Recent research suggests that the pectin fibre found in pears lowers blood sugar levels, which in turn, decreases the desire to snack between meals.

In fact there are loads of other foods which look like they can help us all fight the flab.

If you have any that you have found effective please let us know about them in the comments box below.  If you have any recipes feel free to share.

Thanks in advance.

What are the health benefits of white tea?

As a healthcare blogger I get to see quite a bit of odd stuff.  Recently I was sent some something which told me about the benefits of white tea.  Now I admit I’d heard of white tea but at those prices had not been bothered to buy the stuff.    But this week I decided on a whim to take the plunge and check out white tea.

A cup of white tea

A cup of white tea

I have to say the first thing I noticed is that the tea really does not seem to be white when it is in the cup.  Have a look at the photo of the mug I just made.  What do you think?  Also please note how clear the desk of a healthcare blogger needs to be to keep up with all your informational needs.

However there are quite a few interesting claims made by fans of white tea which I thought I’d share with you:-

a)      White tea can lower both blood pressure and cholesterol.  This can reduce the risk of cardiovascular illnesses.

b)      It acts as an antioxidant.  For more information on antioxidants please have a look at our blog

c)       It has been suggested but this is not proven that there are anti-cancer properties in white tea.

d)      Finally white tea does have antibacterial properties


And actually I’ve found it tastes very pleasant.  So it is going to be part of my afternoons in future!

But the real point of this blog is to find out if you are a white tea drinker.  If you are have you noticed any improvement in health since you started drinking it?

Feel free to use the comments box below to add your thoughts and opinions!

Thanks in advance

What actually are antioxidants and what are their benefits for a healthy lifestyle?

For many of us medical jargon and buzzwords tend to confuse more than enlighten.  Often we are anti-oxidanttold that certain types of foods or supplements are good for us without actually really telling us why.

This is the first in a series of blogs on PatientTalk.Org which aims to make our readers better informed about different medical concepts and procedures.  For this blog we decided to look more closely at antioxidants.

So what is an antioxidant?

Well one of the features of getting older is something called oxidative stress.   This is a process whereby molecules in our bodies loose electrons to oxygen in our blood.  These oxygen molecules are referred to as free radicals and can cause damage to your cellular DNA.  Over time this can cause disease or illness.

Simply put an antioxidant is a molecule which helps prevent this oxidisation process.

While antioxidants are produced by our bodies many people include particular foods in their diet which contain high amounts of antioxidants.

There are a wide variety of conditions which can benefit from antioxidants.  These include certain cancers, heart conditions, Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive dysfunctions.

Foodstuffs which are rich in antioxidants include

1)      Green vegetables of which kale is a great source

2)      Citrus fruits such as lemons and oranges.

3)      Berries such as cherries, blueberries and strawberries.  As well as plums and mangos.

4)      Great news for curry fans is that lots of spices are high in antioxidants.  These include cloves, turmeric, mustard seeds, ginger and chillies.

5)      For those who love Mediterranean food lots of herbs are also stuffed with antioxidants.  Among others oregano, basil and parsley.

6)      Nuts such as peanuts, pecans and walnuts.

7)      Green and white teas.

Do you use antioxidants in your diet?  If so which ones and what impact has it had on your health?  Please use the comments box below to tell your story or share any links you think may be of interest!