Sleep tips for Autistic Children

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Sleep tips for Autism Children

We know getting children on the spectrum is hard to these sleep tips from Stacey Leigh may be of interest.

For previous blogs on the subject of sleep and autism have a look here and here.

What’s Keeping You Awake?

How much sleep do we get?

How much sleep do we get?

In sleep recommendations from the sleep foundation, there is no age group that less than 7 hours sleep is recommended for. But in our survey, we found that a third of Brits get less than 7 hours a night, on a regular basis.

Are you in sleep debt?

Sleep debt refers to the cumulative deficit of not getting enough sleep. If you’re losing just 2-3 hours of sleep for two or three nights a week, that’s the same as pulling an all-nighter. It doesn’t sound like much but when you skimp on sleep, your reaction times become slower, your brain doesn’t function as well affecting memory, decision-making and reasoning and you become more susceptible to illness.

The disruption of our sleep is now linked to mental health problems

A recent study published in The Lancet journal highlighted that people who experience disrupted cycles of rest and activity are more likely to have mood disorders. It’s not just the physical disruption that’s a problem though. Bhavin Shah, who works at Central Vision Opticians in London reminds us; “There are other issues, such as the content that people access and addictive nature of social media that also affect stimulation and keep people awake.”

Sleep and social media

Sleep and social media

Why aren’t we sleeping?

The reasons we aren’t sleeping are quite clear from our survey. Work stress was cited as the most common factor, but a significant number of people also said that binge watching TV and scrolling through social media had an effect on their ability to sleep.

Two thirds of Brits are being kept awake by relationship or work stress

Our survey showed that both work and relationship stress, two of the most common factors of daily life were our biggest reasons for lying awake at night, with money worries not far behind.

Symptoms of stress

Feeling frazzled is a common affliction of modern life, but the knock-on effects can be hazardous to our health and harm the quality of our daily lives. Stress is often played down but can show up in so many different ways that the possible side effects are endless. Sleep loss, depression, anxiety, upset stomach, dizziness, panic attacks, chest and back pain – to name but a few of the symptoms stress can cause.

Anxiety and social media

Anxiety and social media

Controlling stress

Controlling your stress is important and a large part of that is getting the sleep you need. This can help change your mood and boost your immune system, helping you fight infections and lower blood pressure. Read more about how stress can affect your sleep and positive ways to cope with it on our blog.

90% of us check social media just before bed

Social media is the last thing we do before bed and can lead to more stress, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Using social media late at night can affect our sleeping patterns. The blue light emitted from your phone, laptop or other hand-held device inhibits the pineal gland. Behavioural optometrist Bhavin Shah, who specialises in the way we use our eyes says; “The pineal gland regulates and produces the hormone Melatonin to send signals for us to sleep. The inhibition from blue light is essential during the day because it keeps us awake, but at night, when the light is low, the production should increase so we sleep. The blue light from screens therefore keeps people awake for longer.”

Social media ban

Social media ban

The Social Media Paradox

There’s a social media paradox according to digital detox site It’s supposed to be all about connecting people, but instead, it sucks our attention. Did anyone really join a social media network to like and share cat videos? Did they join Twitter to have endless arguments or did they join Instagram to feel more uneasy about their body?

20.5% of our survey respondents said that they compared their self and their lives to others on social media, worrying most about their body or attractiveness. And it’s no wonder when 90% of us are checking our social media before we sleep.

Technology hurts

It’s been well reported that our mobile phones, TVs and handheld devices can disrupt our sleep. They emit a blue light that affects the levels of sleep-inducing hormone melatonin and the changes to our sleep patterns upset our natural circadian rhythm.

Shifts in our body clock can have devastating repercussions on other functions and organs in the body, increasing our risk of serious medical conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes, so you’d think that more of us would make an effort to take a break from these blue light emitting devices.

70% of 18-24 year olds would choose social media over sleep

Despite the overwhelming evidence to show that social media has a negative effect on sleep, both because of the technology involved and the effects on mental and emotional health, 20% of 18-24 year olds would not consider banning the use of their phones or any social media after 7pm – even if they knew it would improve the quality of their sleep.


Digital detox

This worrying statistic points towards an addiction of devices and platforms. Maybe it’s time for digital detox. If you’re suffering from poor sleep, follow our tips below to help detach from the online and virtual world and sink into a slumber that will make you happier and healthier.


7 top tips for a restful sleep

Practice mindfulness or meditation before bed

Just a few minutes a day of deep breathing can help relax your body and mind.

Keep your phone out of the bedroom

Most of us charge our phones overnight, often right beside us on the bedside table. Try charging your phone in a different room, making it impossible to pick up and check last thing at night or indeed through the night.

Avoid stimulants

Caffeine, sleeping pills, cigarettes and alcohol all have short-term benefits but are bad in the long run for your sleep, quality of sleep and sleep patterns. There are lots of bedtime drinks you can choose from that encourage sleep.

If you can’t sleep, get up

Lying in bed for hours trying to sleep only makes the problem worse, so if you find yourself tossing and turning, get up and do something. Listen to music, have a warm milky drink or try reading a book. Stay away from screens!

Don’t eat too late

A light snack before bedtime can help you fall asleep. Rice, oats and dairy products can help feelings of sleepiness but as a general rule, try not to eat anything too heavy around 2 hours before you go to bed as this can lead to indigestion, acid reflux and general discomfort.

Be active

Exercising vigorously late at night can stimulate us too much and keep us awake but incorporating more activity into your daily life can help our overall well-being.

Check your mattress

Mattresses should be changed every 7 years to provide the best support and comfort. There are many different types of mattresses to help with certain conditions, such as back problems and to regulate temperature. It’s important to invest in a mattress that will suit your needs.

What would happen if you did not sleep?

What would happen if you did not sleep?

What would happen if you did not sleep?

In the United States, it’s estimated that 30 percent of adults and 66 percent of adolescents are regularly sleep-deprived. This isn’t just a minor inconvenience: staying awake can cause serious bodily harm. Claudia Aguirre shows what happens to your body and brain when you skip sleep.

How Does Autism Affect Sleep In Some Children?

How Does Autism Affect Sleep In Some Children?

How Does Autism Affect Sleep In Some Children?

This week, a new study has been published in the Journal of Developmental Disorders that examines why children with neurodevelopmental disorders experience higher levels of sleep disturbance. Researchers at the Universities of Leicester and Birmingham studied children ages 2-15 years old with a variety of neurodevelopmental disorders including autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Smith-Magenis Syndrome, tuberous sclerosis complex, and Angelman Syndrome. These children were studied opposite a group of 47 of their neurotypical peers. Thirty of the children with neurodevelopmental disorders had been previously diagnosed with ASD.

Read the full article here.