Autism and sensory overload – what is it really like?

autism sensory overload simulation

autism sensory overload simulation

This autism sensory overload simulation aims to introduce people to sensory process disorder which is common symptom of autism.

You can check out a few of our previous blogs post of SPD and autism here, here and here.

Autism relaxation: relaxing sensory experience. This is just brilliant

Autism relaxation: relaxing sensory experience.

Autism relaxation: relaxing sensory experience.

My son uses the sensory room in his school a lot. He has autism and serious sensory processing disorder.

I’ve shared this with him and he loved it .

So I thought I’d share it with you!

What it’s like to walk down a street when you have autism

What it's like to walk down a street when you have autism

What it’s like to walk down a street when you have autism

What it’s like to walk down a street when you have autism – please watch it will change the way you see the world. Sensory processing disorder is real!

What is Sensory Processing Disorder from an Autistic Perspective? Amythest Schaber shares in “Ask an Autistic”

Amythest Schaber

Amythest Schaber

As you may have picked up I’m a bit late to Amythest Schaber party.

But I’ve found her vlogs to be one of the best things about autism on the web. It is really great to get the posing of view of somebody from the #actuallyautistic community.

I really want to share this brilliant video where she shares her knowledge of sensory processing disorder or SPD.

Now my son was diagnosed with autism at the age of 3 and has massive sensory issues so it is really great to have her take on sensory processing disorder. The video is below so please check it out!

What is sensory processing disorder (SPD)? And why it is relevant to the autism community?

As many of you know I’m the part on a ten year old on the autism spectrum.

One of the features of his autism is sensory processing disorder or SPD as it also gets called.

So what does this actually mean?

Well in John’s case all sorts of things.

He can only eat a very limited varied of rather bland foods. This is not picky eating at all but something very different.

He does not like loud noises (with the exception of fireworks) and find music off putting. He like Stockhausen though. But then he loves space and sci-fi!

Anyhow I thought it may be of use to share this great infographic outlining sensory processing disorder (SPD) in more general terms than just autism.

Over to you. Do you suffer from sensory processing disorder (SPD) and how does it present itself? Why not share in the comments box below!

Many thanks in advance!

What is sensory processing disorder (SPD)?

What is sensory processing disorder (SPD)?

Sensory Processing Disorder Infographic from North Shore Pediatric Therapy.