National Cord Blood Awareness Month is July 2014. Would you bank your child’s cord blood?

Stem cell therapy -

Stem cell therapy –

As many readers will know this blogs a great interest in both new ways of treating medical conditions and the new types of medical technology which make these treatments possible.

In particular we have looked at the area of stem cells in particular as a treatment for multiple sclerosis. You can check out our recent blog here.

Interestingly cord blood ( ie from the newly born’s umbilical cord). I would strongly recommend you pop round to the Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation which gives , for my money, the best overview , of cord blood and cord blood banking. They say “The term “cord blood” is used to describe the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and the placenta after the birth of a baby. Up until recently this blood was discarded as medical waste. Cord blood contains stem cells that may be cryopreserved for later use in medical therapies, such as stem cell transplantation or new emerging therapies.”

The site useful gives a list of cord blood banks not just in America.

Indeed they mention that over 80 different medical conditions could be treated with stem cells from cord blood. These include types of Leukemia , some anemias, Lymphoma, Thrombocytopenia, Bone Marrow Cancers and some solid tumours. That being said it is currently under going clinical trials for such diverse conditions as autism, rheumatoid arthritis, Cerebral Palsy and some types of motor neurone disease.

So it all looks very promising.

As well as raising awareness of Cord Blood Awareness Month we are also interested in your views ion the subject. It would be great if you could share your responses to the following questions using the comment box below:-

a) Have you “banked” your childs cord blood? If so why and how did you go about the process of doing so?
b) Would you consider it in the future.

Any aspect of your cord cell story will be of great interest so feel free to tell us below.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Butterfly – Please like and share Donnee Spencer’s amazing Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Butterfly with Everyone in the RACommunity

As readers of this blog may know Donnee Spencer has been producing a series of brilliant medical condition awareness butterflies. You can see more of her work here.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis

We would like to highlight her brilliant RA awareness butterfly.  Please like and share with everyone you know in the arthritis community!

Do you suffer from fatigue because of a medical condition?



Over the last couple of years we have talked about fatigue on this blog quite a lot.  From covering what it is like to suffer from fatigue  ( to share a few tips for keeping more active in the afternoon (

As regular readers of this blog will know one of our key objectives is to provide a space where people can share their experiences of living with , in this case, fatigue and how how they deal with it.

Lots of medical conditions can have fatigue as a symptom such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis to name a few.  But so, of course, can being a caregiver.

The aim of this blog post is to get a feel  for our readers fatigue stories.  In particular what cause their fatigue.  How common is your fatigue?  And your tips for dealing with fatigue.

Firstly you will find a short poll below on fatigue and it would be great is you could take part.  Secondly we would love it if you could use the comment box below to share your fatigue story.  Anything you wish to share will be of great interest to our readers!


What is your worst symptom of pain? Please take our poll and share your story!



Chronic pain can be absolute hell.  Just ask anyone with multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer or a person who suffers from migraines.

One thing concerns me is the amount of understanding among both healthcare professionals and the general public of the symptoms of pain and pain’s effect on the lifestyle of the person living with chronic pain.

So we thought it would be worth running a  short poll with our readers to find out what they think is the worst symptom of pain.

Please feel free to use the comments box to share more about your journey with pain.  Anything you share will be of interest to our readers.

To have a look at our previous pain management blogs please go to



Injections – do you ever have to self-inject (or have a caregiver help) because of your medical condition? Can you help an old friend with some advice.



A couple of weeks ago I was having a chat with an old friend who was diagnosed with diabetes around seven years ago.

Lawrence mentioned that his Diabetes Specialist Nurse had warned him that he was a very likely candidate to move on to insulin injections within the next couple of months.  Apart from the obvious concern as to his diabetes he was also worried about injections.


Well like a lot of us, me included, Lawrence hates injections.  So I said that I would run a blog post for him to get advice from our readers to to how they deal with having regular injections as part of their medical condition.  Of course it is not just diabetic who have injections – people with multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia all come to mind.

So how can you help?  Well firstly it would be great if you could take take the poll on the subject we have set up below.  Even better it would be great if you could use the comments box below to share your story of using injections and any tips you may have for lawrence to get used to them.

Many thanks in advance.