Autism research project with the University of South Carolina – You can win $25 for taking part!

Teens on the autism spectrum

Teens on the autism spectrum

We were are by a students at the University of South Carolina to find caregivers of teens on the autism spectrum and their children to help with a research project. Katie Franke is studying the well being on teens on the autism spectrum. If you do qualify it would be really great if you would help.

Franke shares “My name is Katie Franke, and I am a doctoral candidate in school psychology at the University of South Carolina. If you are a caregiver of a teen (ages 13-18) with ASD, I invite you and your teen to participate in an on-line research study of strengths and well-being in teens with ASD who primarily receive education in general and/or resource settings. The online questionnaire (password: research) takes about 30 minutes total to complete. A caregiver completes the first part, and the teen completes the second part. Participants can enter to win one of eight $25 gift cards!

Survey Link:

Password: research

If you have any questions please please ask them here and we will get Katie to respond.

Has your child on the autism spectrum been to hospital in the last year for any reason? If so you might qualify for a new research study from a student nurse!

Autism and hospital visits

Autism and hospital visits

This study has been composed by a student nurse to assess how well the NHS is providing person-centred care to children with autism. This survey will only take a couple of minutes of your time.

Please only fill out this survey based on ONE interaction at an NHS hospital in England and Wales. This interaction must be a visit to hospital in the past year required for your child.

Please only fill out this questionnaire if your child is under the age of 18. Your answers will remain anonymous, the data collected may be published and shared with healthcare professionals. Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey.

This survey is independent and is not directly linked to the NHS.  Thanks for your help in advance!

This survey has now finished – however we have another available here which would be great if you could take part


Invitation to Participate in Research Regarding Autism and Employment for Parents of Adults, Age 26 or Older, with Autism

Lamar University Autism and Employment Research

Lamar University Autism and Employment Research

Following on from yesterday’s post on autism and employment about “Employable Me” we are delighted to help James Williams of the Center for Doctoral Studies in Educational Leadership at Lamar University. James is looking to find people to help with a short survey so we were hoping you might help!

James writes “As a doctoral candidate at Lamar University, I am conducting a study for my dissertation to better understand the relationship between various parental factors which may impact the successful employment outcomes of adults on the Autism Spectrum The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between parental factors and the successful employment of adults, age 26 or older, diagnosed with Autism in the United States. I plan to use this information to develop higher-quality, research-based parent training programs aimed at providing parents the tools they need to help their autistic children with obtain and maintain employment. The results should be of interest and value to parents, educators, related professionals, and any other professionals who work with autistic people and their families.

I hope to have at least 88 parents from across the country participate in this study. Criteria for participation include the following:

The participants must be a parent of an adult, age 26 or older, diagnosed with Autism by a licensed professional.
The participants must also have current knowledge of their adult’s employment status.

Your responses are confidential and your name will not be associated with any research findings. In addition, no names or other identifying information will be collected in the survey. The data will be stored electronically in a secure manner.

This study has been approved by the Lamar University Institutional Review Board. You are free to decide not to participate in this study or to withdraw at any time without adversely affecting your relationship with the investigator or Lamar University. There is no compensation to participate in this study; however, benefits of participation may include a contribution to scholarly research, as well as direct benefits to the subjects through the provision of the study’s summary and recommendations regarding how parents can best support their children with Autism to obtain and maintain employment.

If, after reading the above information, you would like to participate in the study, please go to the following link to sign the electronic consent form and access the survey through Survey Monkey:

Thank You for Your Support of this Study and the Achievement of Better Outcomes for Adults with ASD,

James Williams, MRC, CRC

Doctoral Candidate

Center for Doctoral Studies in Educational Leadership

Lamar University

Autism and the problem of Bullying – Please help with this research study

Autism and Bullying Research

Autism and Bullying Research

Bullying is a common problem in school-age children, and children with special needs are victims of bullying more frequently than their typically developing peers. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may be especially susceptible to victimization due to the social and communication deficits inherent to this disorder. Deficits in these areas can be especially problematic in social settings, such as school, as children with ASD may struggle to engage in social reciprocity, understand the perspective of others, or interpret nonliteral language. These difficulties may incite peers to engage in bullying behavior specifically directed towards children with ASD.

Researchers at the Institute for Child Development at Binghamton University (SUNY) are conducting a research study to learn more about perceptions of bullying in children with and without special needs. They have developed an anonymous online survey, which asks individuals to provide their perceptions of various scenarios describing interactions between two children. This research aims to better understand what bullying looks like in children with ASD, and also to understand potential differences between bullying in typically developing children. Findings will be useful to develop better assessment tools more specific to the experiences of children with ASD and will also inform more effective interventions to reduce bullying in this population.

The principal investigator for this study, Hannah Morton, M.S., is a doctoral student in clinical psychology at Binghamton University; she is also a sibling of an individual with ASD. Her research focuses on the experiences of children with ASD and their families, with a goal of understanding how these experiences may differ from typically developing children and place children with ASD at further disadvantage for success across home, school, and community settings. Better understanding of bullying and other experiences can then be used to intervene and provide additional supports for children with special needs (e.g., ASD).

Morton and colleagues are currently recruiting participants for this anonymous online survey, specifically looking for parents of children with special needs (e.g., ASD), as well as educators and service providers for children with special needs. Parents of typically-developing children or individuals who do not have children are also welcome to participate. Participation will take up to 40 minutes, and participants may choose to be entered into a drawing for one of five, $50 gift cards. This study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Binghamton University.

Please click the survey link below to participate or email with any questions.

Autism – Please help an Australian School Student with her research into Autism.

Autism research

Autism research

A couple of days ago we were asked by a Emma, a student at St Francis Xavier’s College in Australia, to help her find people to take part in a survey.

Emma writes ” I am currently completing Year 12 in Australia and for my major work I plan on creating a short film about Autism both generally and within Australia.

I was wondering if anyone with an ASD or a child with ASD would like to complete a survey for me. I am conducting a set of surveys as a part of my HSC Major Work for Industrial Technology – Multimedia. The purpose of these surveys is to:

1. investigate what people with Autism Spectrum Disorders would like other people to know about the disorder, specifically in Australia,

2. investigate what people would like to see in an informative video about Autism Spectrum Disorders

Each survey should only take 5-10 minutes to complete. All responses will be anonymous and confidential. The findings in the research will only be published in my folio for assessment purposes.

Thank you in advance for taking the time to help me create this.

Please feel free to share these links with other people who may like have an input.”

There are two surveys which you can take below.

1. For People with on the autism spectrum.

2. For the General Public.

It would be great if you could share with anyone who may be interested.

Many thanks in advance!