Twelve Unusual Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can affect any part of the central nervous system so people with MS can experience a lot of different symptoms. In this video I share some of the unusual symptoms of MS such as Dysphagia, Dysarthria, Dysesthesia, Dysesthetic itching, Optic Neuritis, Lhermitte’s Sign, Uhthoff’s phenomenon, Pseudobulbar Affect, and more. I hope to help people understand MS and its symptoms a bit more with this video. I also hope to encourage those with MS to make diet and lifestyle changes to support their health and well-being, seek treatment through physical therapy and work with their doctors to get medications when appropriate.

Pseudobulbar Affect – a possible symptom of multiple sclerosis

Pseudobulbar Affect

Pseudobulbar Affect

As regular readers know we try to look at rarer signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

You might be interested in this video on lesser known symptoms of multiple sclerosis.

Pseudobulbar affect ( also known as emotional incontinence) can occur with multiple sclerosis, strokes and Parkinson’s for example. It is medical condition characterized by sudden and uncontrollable episodes of crying or laughing.

The American Stroke Association have produced and excellent video on Pseudobulbar Affect. We really recommend you watch.

Thanks in advance!