George Orwell on Chronic Pain

“Of pain you could wish only one thing- that it should stop. Nothing in the world was so bad as physical pain. In the face of pain there are no heroes.” George Orwell

“Of pain you could wish only one thing- that it should stop. Nothing in the world was so bad as physical pain. In the face of pain there are no heroes.” George Orwell

“Of pain you could wish only one thing- that it should stop. Nothing in the world was so bad as physical pain. In the face of pain there are no heroes.” George Orwell 1984

Headaches: From Day to Day to Migraine Pain – and some Easy Treatments

A few years back headaches were the pain of my life.

Often stress related but always painful. So as part of our on-going pain management blogs I thought I would share this brilliant infographic for Mount Sinai Hospital!

Headache: Everything You Need To Know
Source: Mount Sinai Hospital

Living with Multiple Sclerosis – the 7 best exercises

Living with Multiple Sclerosis - the best types of exercise

Living with Multiple Sclerosis – the best types of exercise

Health Central have produced this excellent guide to Multiple sclerosis and Exercise entitled Living with Multiple Sclerosis – the 7 best exercises. We are sharing because we think it is an excellent overview.

We have covered the general area before . We looked at yoga for people with multiple sclerosis here. And general exercise options for people who suffer from chronic pain.

Got a Pain in the Neck? Incorporate These Stretches into Your Daily Routine

Think of all the injuries and pain you’ve had in your life. Some things are temporary—even momentary. A scratch on your finger, a blister from a fun day spent outside. All these things will pass, probably most of them with no more than a bandage or some ointment.

But that’s not the case with other injuries. Bones get broken. Deep cuts require stitches. And falls, overuse, or other injuries can create chronic pain in ways that we have a hard time getting over or getting through.

Take neck injuries: They can happen in all manner of ways, from car accidents to slips and falls and even just strain from overwork. That’s because the neck is in constant use. It holds up our house, of course. But it also helps in other ways, such as holding our phones when we talk or even just exercising and driving a car.

Unfortunately, neck pain becomes a problem for more than just a few people. In fact, neck issues can be an issue for up to 70 percent of all people at some point in their lives. And neck pain takes many different forms: It can become a migraine or a facial ache. It can transfer to the lower back. When it comes to neck pain, more women than men are affected by it too.

Many people’s first impulse may be to shy away from doing anything if they have neck pain. But they shouldn’t: Building those muscles is good work for the body and for the neck. There are a number of different tactics to take, including easy-to-learn stretches that work in low-level physical activity to help the neck muscles. This graphic offers alternatives to practice to help you combat and remedy nuisance neck pain for a healthier future.

You're Neck & Neck - Get Ahead of Your Pain. Simple On-the-Go Stretches.

Common Dental Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

Common Dental Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

Common Dental Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

Even if you abide to a regular schedule of dental check-ups, there are things that can still go wrong when it comes to your gums and teeth. Understanding when it is time to call your dentist with your symptoms is crucial to ensure the problem does not become worse.

Some of the signs you should contact dentists aurora co right away are highlighted here.

Changing Gums

Gum disease is a serious condition. This broad category includes conditions such as gingivitis, which is inflammation of your gums and periodontitis, which is a more serious condition that when left untreated can result in tooth loss. These conditions are caused by a buildup of plaque, which is a sticky, virtually invisible film that contains bacteria and can form on clean teeth within 24 hours. If this plaque remains on your teeth, it can harden into a harder to remove substance, called tartar. This can begin to accumulate under your actual gum line, which will cause more serious inflammation.

If this condition is present, and you notice the following symptoms, contacting a dentist right away is essential:

Gums that change in color

Swollen gums

Receding gums

New spaces between teeth, pus or odor

White Spots on Your Teeth

Dental decay is a serious infection present in your teeth that starts with the enamel being dissolved in a response to the acid that is produced by the bacteria. Early signs of this problem are white spots forming on the surface of your teeth.

In most cases, tooth decay will begin in between your teeth, and you will not be aware of it. This is why regular checkups are essential to find the signs of this decay early on, prior to it becoming more serious.

Increased Tooth Sensitivity

As decay moves through the enamel of the tooth and into the center, which is where the blood vessels and nerves are, you will likely begin to be much more sensitive to certain foods or extreme hot and cold. When this occurs, it is important to seek dental services quickly to treat the cavity before it becomes worse.

Tooth Pain

Extended tooth pain will typically be a sign of a serious problem. You should seek dental care even if the pain is gone in a day or two, as there could be a more serious underlying issue.

With these symptoms in mind, you now understand when you should seek dental care to prevent more serious issues from arising. Contact dentists in aurora co to learn more.