8 Incredible Foods That Calm Autoimmune Diseases

Discover how specific foods can help alleviate the symptoms of autoimmune diseases and improve your overall health.

8. Sunflower Seeds Sunflower seeds are a great way to boost your immune system and alleviate the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. They are packed with nutrients, especially vitamin E, that can help rebalance your immune cells and fight chronic inflammation.

7. Extra Virgin Olive OilRecent studies have shown that extra virgin olive oil contains components like oleic acid and oleocanthal antioxidants, which play an essential role in managing inflammation.

6. Sweet Potatoes Sweet potatoes are a versatile and nutrient-packed option that can benefit your immune system. They do not contain nightshade alkaloids and are rich in potassium, beta-carotene antioxidants, vitamin C, and vitamin A.

5. Fatty Fish Certain types of fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, or anchovies, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, can inhibit an inflammatory marker called C-reactive protein, which has been linked to worsening autoimmune reactions.

4. Turmeric Turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin, which has been found to reduce the production, activation, and migration of antibodies, making it an excellent tool for autoimmune balance.

3. Green Tea Green tea is packed with epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a potent antioxidant that has been found to reduce the production of cytokine cells, which play a role in autoimmune diseases.

2. Mushrooms Mushrooms are one of the few plant sources of Vitamin D and are especially rich in this nutrient, which is beneficial for the immune system.

1. Leafy Greens are packed with a range of nutrients and antioxidants that help fight inflammation and protect the body against free radical damage.

Higher levels of omega-3 acids in the blood increases life expectancy by almost five years

A 1% increase in this substance in the blood is associated with a change in mortality risk similar to that of quitting smoking.

Higher levels of omega-3 acids in the blood increases life expectancy by almost five years
Higher levels of omega-3 acids in the blood increases life expectancy by almost five years

Levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood are as good a predictor of mortality from any cause as smoking, according to a study involving the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), in collaboration with The Fatty Acid Research Institute in the United States and several universities in the United States and Canada. The study, published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, used data from a long-term study group, the Framingham Offspring Cohort, which has been monitoring residents of this Massachusetts town, in the United States, since 1971.

Researchers have found that omega-3 levels in blood erythrocytes (the so-called red blood cells) are very good mortality risk predictors. The study concludes that “Having higher levels of these acids in the blood, as a result of regularly including oily fish in the diet, increases life expectancy by almost five years”, as Dr. Aleix Sala-Vila, a postdoctoral researcher in the IMIM’s Cardiovascular Risk and Nutrition Research Group and author of the study, points out. In contrast, “Being a regular smoker takes 4.7 years off your life expectancy, the same as you gain if you have high levels of omega-3 acids in your blood”, he adds.

2,200 people monitored over eleven years

The study analysed data on blood fatty acid levels in 2,240 people over the age of 65, who were monitored for an average of eleven years. The aim was to validate which fatty acids function as good predictors of mortality, beyond the already known factors. The results indicate that four types of fatty acids, including omega-3, fulfil this role. It is interesting that two of them are saturated fatty acids, traditionally associated with cardiovascular risk, but which, in this case, indicate longer life expectancy. “This reaffirms what we have been seeing lately”, says Dr Sala-Vila, “not all saturated fatty acids are necessarily bad.” Indeed, their levels in the blood cannot be modified by diet, as happens with omega-3 fatty acids.

These results may contribute to the personalisation of dietary recommendations for food intake, based on the blood concentrations of the different types of fatty acids. “What we have found is not insignificant. It reinforces the idea that small changes in diet in the right direction can have a much more powerful effect than we think, and it is never too late or too early to make these changes”, remarks Dr Sala-Vila.

The researchers will now try to analyse the same indicators in similar population groups, but of European origin, to find out if the results obtained can also be applied outside the United States. The American Heart Association recommends eating oily fish such as salmon, anchovies or sardines twice a week because of the health benefits of omega-3 acids.

5 Benefits Fish Oil Has on Your Body

5 Benefits Fish Oil Has on Your Body - YouTube

Not a fan of fish but need to get more omega-3s? Say no more.

Fish oil has got you covered. But if you don’t mind eating fish, then that’s good too. Fish oil can be obtained by eating fish or taking supplements.

Either way, your body gets enriched with the beneficial oils known as omega-3 fatty acids that are especially abundant in mackerel, salmon, herring, and tuna. Most benefits of fish oil come from the omega-3s present in it.

One of these is that it reduces inflammation, which we will be discussing further in today’s video. So, don’t go just yet and join us as we probe deeper into the good things that fish oil does to the human body.

Oily fish: mighty omega-3 or codswallop?

Pescheria (fish market), Rialto Markets, Venice

Pescheria (fish market), Rialto Markets, Venice

Interest in the health benefits of oily fish started when researchers observed that Eskimos, who mainly eat oily fish, had fewer than average heart attacks and strokes.

Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines are said to help against cardiovascular disease, prostate cancer, age-related vision loss and dementia.

It’s a good source of vitamin D, protein, some B vitamins and selenium. It’s also a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fat that is good for our health.

We’ve teamed up with the British Dietetic Association (BDA) to examine what the evidence says about the supposed health benefits of oily fish.

The evidence on oily fish

Cardiovascular disease

The UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition reviewed the evidence on the health benefits of fish in 2004. It said a “large body of evidence” suggests that fish consumption, particularly oily fish, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Studies have found eating oily fish can lower blood pressure and reduce fat build-up in the arteries. The evidence is strong enough to warrant a government recommendation that we eat at least two portions of fish a week, one of which should be oily.

However, there are maximum recommended amounts for oily fish, crab and some types of white fish. There is additional advice for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and children and babies.

Prostate cancer

The evidence for oily fish’s effect on prostate cancer is inconclusive. Some limited research suggests that eating fish may reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. However, this is not backed up by other studies, so we can’t be sure of the effect.


A 2012 review looked into whether consuming more omega-3, a type of healthy fat found in oily fish, could reduce the risk of dementia. The review looked at studies of healthy 60-year-olds who took omega-3 capsule supplements for six months.

The review concluded that there is no preventative effect of decline in brain function and dementia when healthy older people take omega-3. The review suggested that longer-term studies would offer researchers a better opportunity for identifying the possible benefits of omega-3 in preventing dementia.


A well-conducted review in 2010 found there was some evidence that eating oily fish two or more times a week could reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration – a common cause of blindness in older people. However, the reviewers said the results should be interpreted cautiously, because of weaknesses in the research.

A further review carried out in 2015 looked at whether fish oil supplements could reduce the progression of macular degeneration in people who already had the condition. The results were disappointing, as there was no evidence of any benefit.

Rheumatoid arthritis

A 2013 study looked at the eating habits of around 32,000 middle-aged and older women to see if oily fish consumption had any influence on them developing rheumatoid arthritis. They did find that women who ate one or more servings of oily fish were 29% less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than women who never, or very rarely, ate oily fish.

However, this type of study can never prove cause and effect, as other factors could have been involved.


In 2013, the National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) reviewed the evidence about whether medication based on omega-3 fatty acids could improve the symptoms of schizophrenia. The results were mixed. Four out of the eight studies showed some modest benefit when compared to placebo (a dummy treatment). The other four showed no benefit.

Based on these results, it is not recommended to use omega-3 fatty acid-type drugs as an alternative to existing treatments.

The dietitian’s verdict on oily fish

Alison Hornby, a dietitian and BDA spokesperson, says if there’s one food that’s good for your heart, it’s oily fish.

She says: “The benefits of eating at least two portions of fish a week, including one of oily fish, include keeping your blood pressure at a healthy level and improving blood lipids, both of which reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease: the biggest killer in the UK.

“Remember that you can get your omega-3 from a range of oily fish. Tinned sardines and mackerel, for example, are an easy and cheap way to stock up the store cupboard. Eaten on toast with a side salad, this makes a quick, easy and nutritious meal.”

Omega-3 & 6 Supplement Lifts Reading Scores Amongst Children By 64 Percent

Omega-3 & 6 Supplement Lifts Reading Scores Amongst Children By 64 Percent

Omega-3 & 6 Supplement Lifts Reading Scores Amongst Children By 64 Percent

Children given an Omega-3 & 6 supplement show significant improvement in reading ability in just three months.

A randomised control clinical trial (RCT) by scientists at the University of Gothenberg in Sweden is the first to confirm that Omega-3/6 supplementation benefits children in mainstream school, not just those with behavioural or learning difficulties

Children given Equazen demonstrated a five times improvement in decoding nonsense words and 8% better visual analysis in comparison to a placebo group receiving a dummy pill

The clinical study is being showcased just before the Education Show at NEC Birmingham along with new UK research that shows 84% of children sometimes struggle with homework, with 54% of parents saying children today are under more pressure to perform academically

Encouraging more children to supplement their diet with omega-3/6 could be the key to boosting reading ability, according to new RCT study by scientists at the University of Gothenberg in Sweden. The clinical study is the first to confirm that omega-3/6 supplementation with Equazen will benefit all children, and not just those with behavioural or learning difficulties.


As part of the research study, the reading ability of 154 children who were split into two equally matched groups were assessed with half receiving Equazen and the other half receiving a placebo (dummy pill). Those receiving the supplement showed 64 per cent greater improvement in reading than the placebo group. The time they took to decode nonsense words showed five times the improvement of the control group and their visual analysis was 8 per cent ahead.

The results revealed a significant learning gap between the children taking the supplement and those receiving the dummy pill, with those who had taken the Omega-3/6 supplement (Equazen) experiencing major improvements in reading in just three months. In particular, children with attention issues showed treatment benefits.

The clinical study holds substantial value in the UK where a new survey finds that four out of five (84 per cent) children sometimes struggle with their homework putting families under intense pressure.

With over half of parents admitting their children are under more pressure to perform academically and are being tested more frequently than they ever were, Omega-3 supplementation has a significant potential to help relieve both parents and children of some of the homework stress.

Additionally, the survey has found that fewer than half (44%) of the children in this latest research survey read a book before bedtime and when they do read, attention spans are short.

On average, children concentrate on a book for just 30 minutes and one in eight (13%) can manage no more than 10 minutes. Only 13% are happy to read for an hour or more. This is in stark contrast to the time they can spend at a screen. On average, they can concentrate on their favourite computer game for 53 minutes — almost twice the time they will happily spend with a book. Similarly, just over a quarter (27%) can concentrate on a computer game for an hour or more, compared to a mere 13% who will focus on a book for that time.

So why is that the case? Dr. Hilary Jones joins us to discuss.

Patient Talk:- Can you tell us about the fatty supplements and why they are needed in our diets?

Dr Hilary Jones:- Essential fatty acids are essential for human health and we can’t make them in our bodies so we have to get them from our diet and they’re particularly important in terms of brain function and heart health. For example a growing baby, in the last trimester of pregnancy and until the first year of life, the brain is growing by 260%. 60% of the brain is fat, a high proportion of that is DHA, one of the Omega 3 fatty acids. So it’s essential the babies in the womb and mothers are provided with sufficient quantities of essential fatty acids in their diet and we know from a growing body of evidence that its importance, not just in cognitive function in childhood and as we grow older, it is important in protecting the heart against a number of disorders.

Patient Talk:- How the research conducted and what was were the main results from it?

Dr Hilary Jones:- Well this particular research was conducted on Ecquazen, a supplement with Omega 3 and 6 a particular ratio by weight, so a 9:3:1 ratio. The research on this supplement showed that in a randomised controlled clinical trial by the University of Gothemburg in Sweden, that they were able to increase reading comprehension scores by 64%, in just three months of taking the supplements. What they did was they divided the children into two groups; one group who took the supplements for three months and the other group who just took a placebo. The doctors were double blinded, they didn’t know what the children were taking and they got these significant results. Furthermore, they then swapped the groups around so the children taking the placebo group, took the supplement and they too, showed a significant improvement in reading comprehension, so it was a very well designed study and it’s been peer reviewed and published and its very convincing evidence, after a long line of other research suggesting that it’s not just children with diagnosed learning difficulties but mainstream children with no identifiable problems that can benefit in terms of reading and cognitive skills.

Patient Talk:- What are the best sources of Omega 3 and 6 that occur naturally?

Dr Hilary Jones:- Well, by far the best source is oily fish. Fish like herring, salmon, tuna, mackerel, pilchards, sardines and unfortunately it is difficult to get children to enjoy those foods and even amongst adults, particularly the UK, the US and other developed countries in the world, we know that many, many people, probably more than 95% are deficient in adequate levels of Omega 3.

Patient Talk:- Now are dietary supplements a good or bad idea for children, compared to a diet?

Dr Hilary Jones:- In an ideal world, you would get everything you need from a healthy, well balanced diet, but we don’t live in that ideal world. It is difficult to get affordable, plentiful oily fish, even if you can get children to eat it, so sometimes it is worth looking at supplements, provided they’re from a good sustainable source and they’re researched, they come from a reputable company and what you get on the tin, is exactly what it says it contains and you know it’s safe, then I think something you take (unclear wording) is very well worthwhile, particularly when we know from a survey carried out by Equazen, so many parents are worried about whether their children are getting the stimulation they need to maximise their education and maximise their concentration and reading skills. Even with good tuition, one in ten people in parts of the UK are paying for private tuition on top of their school education so clearly there is a worry that we are not doing what we can currently to maximise our children’s potential.

Patient Talk:- Now are there any risks associated with too much omega 3 and 6 in a diet?

Dr Hilary Jones:- No, you’d have to take very huge quantities, to even remotely come anywhere near causing side effects and I certainly have never met a patient that developed side effects as a result of taking too many Omega 3’s.