Is Obamacare Popular or Unpopular? Please take our poll

Is Obamacare Popular or Unpopular?

Is Obamacare Popular or Unpopular?

Sunday sees the fourth anniversary of President Obama signing the Affordable Care Act into law.

With most things in human life , however unpopular they were to begin with, after a few years we start getting used to them.  But is this the case with Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act?

We thought it would be useful to find out from our readers if they felt Obamacare was now popular or unpopular.

To this end we have created a short poll and it would be great if you could take part.

Finally we would ask you to use the comments box to tell us what one thing would improve the quality of healthcare in your life.

Many thanks in advance.

In the last 12 months has your healthcare provision got better or worse? Please take our poll.

Healthcare reform

Healthcare reform

Healthcare reform seems to be the watchword of the day.

From Obamacare in the USA to the restructuring of the National Health Service in Great Britain the whole globe is chaning the way health is organised.

Not just that but a raft of new technologies and techniques are becoming available.  Add to this the rise of generic medical products which leads to lower costs especially in developing nations then we have a very interesting future,

But our interest today is a bit different.  yes there have been loads of changes.  But have they actually improved or even changed the quality of the healthcare we receive as members of the public?

To answer this question we have decided to run a short poll to find out what our readers think.

The poll is below and it would be great to find out what you think!

Thanks very much in advance!

Should America return to Pre-obamacare Healthcare?

Poll of the Week

Poll of the Week

Welcome to our Friday poll.

Today we would like to know your views on the success and benefits of Obamacare or  the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA).

It would be great if you could take part in the poll below.

If you have any comments please feel free to add them in the comments box below