Motor Neurone Disease or Lou Gehrig’s disease. What are the signs and symptoms?

Lou Gehrig  ALS MND

Lou Gehrig ALS MND

The initial symptoms of motor neurone disease often affect certain areas of the body before eventually becoming more widespread.

It’s important to visit your GP as soon as possible if you have the typical early symptoms of motor neurone disease. There’s evidence that specialist care can improve overall survival.

The symptoms usually follow a pattern that falls into three stages:

the initial stage

the advanced stage

the end stage

Initial symptoms

The initial symptoms of motor neurone disease usually develop slowly and subtly over time. It can be easy to mistake early symptoms for those of several unrelated conditions that affect the nervous system.

Limb-onset disease

In about two-thirds of people with motor neurone disease, the first symptoms occur in the arm or leg. This is sometimes called limb-onset disease. These symptoms include:

a weakened grip, which can cause difficulties picking up or holding objects

weakness at the shoulder, making lifting the arm above the head difficult

tripping up over a foot because of weakness at the ankle or hip

These symptoms are usually painless and may be accompanied by widespread twitching of the muscles (fasciculations) or muscle cramps, and there may be visible wasting of the muscles with significant weight loss.

Bulbar-onset disease

In a quarter of cases, problems initially affect the muscles used for speech and swallowing. Increasingly slurred speech (dysarthria) is usually the first sign of this type of motor neurone disease, and may be misdiagnosed as a stroke.

As the condition progresses, it may become increasingly difficult to swallow (dysphagia), and be misdiagnosed as a blockage in the throat.

Respiratory-onset disease

In extremely rare cases, motor neurone disease starts by affecting the lungs, rather than affecting them at the end of the condition. This is called respiratory-onset disease.

In some cases the initial symptoms are obvious, such as breathing difficulties and shortness of breath.

In other cases the symptoms are less noticeable, such as waking up frequently during the night because the brain is temporarily starved of oxygen when lying down. This can make the person feel very tired and unrefreshed the next morning, sometimes with a headache.

Advanced symptoms

As motor neurone disease becomes more advanced, the differences between the various types of disease are less noticeable as more parts and functions of the body are affected. The rate at which the condition spreads varies, but generally remains the same for an individual (that is, it doesn’t speed up, but doesn’t slow down either).

Muscular symptoms

The limbs become gradually weaker and the muscles in the limbs may appear progressively wasted. As a result, the person will find it increasingly difficult to move the affected limbs.

The muscles may also become stiff. This is known as spasticity. Both muscle wasting and stiffness can also cause joint aches and pains.

Speaking and swallowing difficulties

At least two-thirds of people with motor neurone disease find that speaking and swallowing become increasingly difficult as the condition progresses. However, although choking episodes can be distressing they aren’t the cause of death.

Saliva problems

Reduced swallowing can cause an excess of saliva, sometimes with drooling. Thicker saliva may sometimes be difficult to clear from the chest or throat due to weakening of the muscles that control coughing.

Excessive yawning

Some people with motor neurone disease have episodes of uncontrollable, excessive yawning, even when they’re not tired. This can sometimes cause jaw pain.

Emotional changes

Motor neurone disease can lead to changes in a person’s ability to control their emotions, particularly when there’s weakness in the muscles that control speech and swallowing.

One of the most common signs is when a person has episodes of sudden uncontrollable crying or, more rarely, laughter. Doctors may call this emotional lability or emotionality.

Changes to mental abilities

Occasionally, people with motor neurone disease may have significant difficulties with concentration, planning and use of language. This is known as cognitive change and overlaps with a condition called frontotemporal dementia.

The changes are usually quite subtle, making it difficult to tell them apart from the normal ageing process, and they don’t normally affect a person’s capacity to make their own decisions.

Up to 15% of people with motor neurone disease develop more profound frontotemporal dementia, usually soon after, or sometimes before, their first muscle-related symptoms. The affected person may not be aware that there are problems with their behaviour or personality.

Breathing difficulties

As the nerves and muscles that help control the lungs become progressively more damaged, the person’s breathing will become less efficient.

This may be a feeling of being very short of breath after doing everyday tasks, such as walking up the stairs. However, over time, the person may even become short of breath when they’re resting.

Shortness of breath may be particularly troublesome at night. Some people find it difficult to breathe when they’re lying down. Others may wake up in the night because of breathlessness.

As motor neurone disease progresses, a non-invasive breathing mask may be recommended at night to improve sleep quality and help reduce drowsiness during the day.

End-stage symptoms

As motor neurone disease progresses to its final phase, a person with the condition will probably experience:

increasing body paralysis, which means they’ll need help with most daily activities

significant shortness of breath

Eventually, non-invasive breathing assistance won’t be enough to compensate for the loss of normal lung function. At this stage, most people with motor neurone disease become increasingly drowsy before falling into a deep sleep, where they usually die peacefully.

Secondary symptoms

Some people with motor neurone disease have additional symptoms that aren’t directly caused by the condition but are related to the stress of living with it. These may include depressioninsomnia and anxiety.

Although many people with motor neuron disease may think about ending their life at some point, this isn’t a common outcome, particularly with strong family and community support.

Has anyone ever mistaken you for being drunk because of your multiple sclerosis?

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness

Multiple Sclerosis Awareness

As many of you will know tomorrow sees the beginning of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week .

As part of my reading for a few awareness posts I can across a statement which astounded me. That 50% of people with multiple sclerosis have at some point been mistaken for being drink.

Now I know of one incident where this was the case some years ago. And my mother in law who suffered from Motor Neurone Disease would appear drunk after one glass of wine. But I don’t know how common it actually is.

But my question is “Has anyone ever mistaken you for being drunk because of your MS?”


Well we are planning on running an anti-discrimination campaign after MS Awareness Week has finished and would like to get as much hard information as possible.

It would be great if you could share any stories about discriminatory behaviour against you , due to your MS, in the comments section below.

Thanks very much for your help with our campaign.

Have you taken the Ice Bucket Challenge yet? What do you think of it as a way of raising awareness of ALS (Motor Neurone Disease)?

President Bush and the Ice Bucket Challenge

President Bush and the Ice Bucket Challenge

The Ice Bucket challenge had gone far more than viral by the time I picked up on it. I was away on holiday so was not really looking at social media.

But by the time we got home it was in full swing. And as with all good thing it seemed to have become very controversial.

Now as some readers will know amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), which is the most common form of Motor Neurone Disease was the medical condition from which my mother-in-law passed way some four years ago! If you wish to make a donation to her local ALS charity you can do so here.

What interests me is how many of us have done the ice bucket challenge so far. Please share in the poll below. If you could tell us which cause you donated to and a link in the comments box that would be great!

Many thanks in advance.

National Cord Blood Awareness Month is July 2014. Would you bank your child’s cord blood?

Stem cell therapy -

Stem cell therapy –

As many readers will know this blogs a great interest in both new ways of treating medical conditions and the new types of medical technology which make these treatments possible.

In particular we have looked at the area of stem cells in particular as a treatment for multiple sclerosis. You can check out our recent blog here.

Interestingly cord blood ( ie from the newly born’s umbilical cord). I would strongly recommend you pop round to the Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation which gives , for my money, the best overview , of cord blood and cord blood banking. They say “The term “cord blood” is used to describe the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and the placenta after the birth of a baby. Up until recently this blood was discarded as medical waste. Cord blood contains stem cells that may be cryopreserved for later use in medical therapies, such as stem cell transplantation or new emerging therapies.”

The site useful gives a list of cord blood banks not just in America.

Indeed they mention that over 80 different medical conditions could be treated with stem cells from cord blood. These include types of Leukemia , some anemias, Lymphoma, Thrombocytopenia, Bone Marrow Cancers and some solid tumours. That being said it is currently under going clinical trials for such diverse conditions as autism, rheumatoid arthritis, Cerebral Palsy and some types of motor neurone disease.

So it all looks very promising.

As well as raising awareness of Cord Blood Awareness Month we are also interested in your views ion the subject. It would be great if you could share your responses to the following questions using the comment box below:-

a) Have you “banked” your childs cord blood? If so why and how did you go about the process of doing so?
b) Would you consider it in the future.

Any aspect of your cord cell story will be of great interest so feel free to tell us below.

Global Motor Neurone Disease Day 2014 20th June. Please donate to the Motor Neurone Disease Association Queensland on behalf of my late Mother-in-Law

Global Motor Neurone Disease Day

Global Motor Neurone Disease Day

Today is Global Motor Neurone Disease Day. It is also five years to the day since my mother-in-law died after a long battle with MND.

I’m trying to think of something useful to say but really can’t!

She lived in Northern Australia so if any of fancy giving a donation to the Motor Neurone Disease Association Queensland (MNDAQ) you can do so here.