Supports World Lupus Day – Wednesday 10 May

Signs of Lupus

Signs of Lupus

Wednesday 10 May is World Lupus Day and its aim is to increase awareness of lupus and support the more than 5 million people affected by this condition worldwide.

Lupus Specialist Nurse Mandy McCartney at Leicester’s Hospitals said “there are approximately 600 people in Leicestershire living with lupus and it is my role to provide education, information, advice and counselling.”

“Lupus is an incurable immune system illness, probably genetic in origin and mainly suffered by females. It can affect any part of the body. In lupus the immune system produces far too many antibodies which, circulating through the bloodstream, cause reactions leading to inflammatory processes anywhere in the body.”

“My role enables a patient the opportunity to discuss concerns and worries, and I provide help and support, helping people to come to terms with the disease. In some cases patients with lupus have been undiagnosed for several years, and they feel frustrated that no one understands what they are going through. In most cases patients look reasonably well and it can be difficult for friends and relations to comprehend how ill they feel.”

“Patients feel relieved to talk to someone who understands what they are going through which is why I am pleased that we can offer a telephone advice line, it provides a vital helpline to sufferers and helps with day-to-day ‘flare ups’ and their management.”

To find out more about Lupus, visit or speak to your GP in the first instance.

Lupus – an overview

As many readers will have spotted one of the aims of this blog is to inform our readers about different medical conditions.

We feel medical education is a great way of raising awareness. In this case we would like to take a closer look at Lupus . An autoimmune condition.

You can read more articles on Lupus here!


From Visually.

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Lupus – what are the signs and symptoms of Lupus?

Signs of Lupus

Signs of Lupus


Symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can vary widely from person to person. Some people may only experience a few mild symptoms, whereas others may be more severely affected.

Even if you usually have mild symptoms, SLE can “flare up”, with symptoms becoming more severe or new symptoms developing.

The three main symptoms of SLE are:

fatigue (extreme tiredness)

joint pain and swelling

rashes – particularly on the face, wrists and hands


Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of SLE. You may feel very tired even though you get plenty of sleep. Carrying out everyday tasks, such as housework or office work, can leave you feeling exhausted.

Many people with SLE find that fatigue is the most distressing and disruptive aspect of the condition because it has a negative impact on their work and social life.

Joint pain

If you have SLE, you’re likely to experience joint pain in your hands and feet. You may find the pain changes from one set of joints to another quite quickly, and is usually worse in the morning.

Unlike some other conditions that affect the joints, SLE is unlikely to cause your joints to become permanently damaged or deformed.


Many people with SLE develop rashes on their skin – most commonly on the face, wrists and hands. A rash over the cheeks and the bridge of the nose is particularly common and is known as a “butterfly rash” or “malar rash”.

Rashes caused by SLE may get better after a few days or weeks, but can last longer or even be permanent.

Rashes caused by SLE can sometimes be itchy or painful. They may get worse if they are exposed to sunlight.

Other symptoms

SLE can also cause a wide range of other symptoms. However, you’re unlikely to have all of the symptoms listed below, and many people with the condition only experience the above main symptoms.

Other features of SLE may include:

a fever (high temperature)

swollen lymph glands (small glands found throughout your body, including in your neck, armpits and groin)

recurring mouth ulcers

hair loss (alopecia)

high blood pressure (hypertension)

headaches and migraines

stomach (abdominal) pain

chest pain


dry eyes

memory loss

seizures (fits)

problems thinking clearly and difficulty telling the difference between reality and imagination (psychosis)

shortness of breath

Raynaud’s phenomenon – a condition that limits the blood supply to your hands and feet when it is cold

ankle swelling and fluid retention (oedema)

When to seek medical advice

You should see your GP if you have persistent or troublesome symptoms that you think could be caused by SLE.

While it is likely that your symptoms are being caused by a more common condition, it’s important to see a doctor for a diagnosis.

Lupus – what are the signs, symptoms, causes and treatments of Lupus?

Lupus is a rare autoimmune condition. You can read up in more detail here about Lupus. To learn more about autoimmune conditions and how the impact the immune system please go here.