What are superfoods?

What are superfoods?

What are superfoods?

The infographic was shared by Topweightedvest, a blog dedicated to the usage of weighted vests and other useful weighted clothing which you can use in your day to day life to grow your body muscles.

We all love to be healthy. But do you do something to keep yourself healthy?

Superfoods may be your way to go.

Unfortunately, there is no proper legal definition for superfood, but it is essentially a food packed with nutrients.

These may be anything from antioxidants to polyphenols to vitamins to minerals. Superfoods are very important for the healthy body. The more you eat them, the better it is.

These foods will help you prevent chronic diseases and also helps you to prolong your life.

I will speak about few of my favourites and the rest you can read from the infographic.


Eggs are considered as a perfect food as it contains all the necessary nutrients that a body requires. Apart from this eggs are a great source of inexpensive protein.

It also has other important nutrients which benefit your eyes.

You can eat three eggs a day without any issues.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is considered as the healthiest food on the planet.

There are many other popular oils out there, but nothing beats the nutritional value that coconut oil provides.

Not only does it help increase the “good cholesterol” but decreases the bad ones. It also helps you to tackle diseases like arthritis.


Kale Chips are one my favourites.

It is one of the most nutritious plant food. It is packed with nutrients and vitamins.

Kale is a great source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps in proper functioning of body cells.

Steamed Kale helps in lowering your cholesterol. This way you can prevent heart problems.

Hope you learnt a lot from the infographic. Please comment your favourite superfood below. I would love to know them.

10 Gourmet Superfoods – What foods taste great and might have the ability to super charge your health

While superfoods have been a bit of a buzzword in the Twenty First century the term in fact has



been around for nearly 100 years.  But the whole concept of superfoods is fraught with difficulty with nutritionists on both sides of the argument.

While, it seems, there is not legal definition of superfood the terms is , typically, used to denote a food which has a high nutrient value which in turn provides benefits to health.

In UK’s The Observer of Sunday 13 May 2007 Amelia Hill wrote an interesting article critical of superfoods called “Forget superfoods, you can’t beat an apple a day” which can be read at http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/may/13/health.healthandwellbeing1.  On the other hand Sarah Berry wrote on article in the Sydney morning Herald which suggests there are benefits from superfoods.  Please go to http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/diet-and-fitness/food-with-benefits-20120413-1wyk3.html to read her article “Food with benefits”.

Today we are highlighting a number of different foods which have been described as superfoods.  But whatever the benefits they taste delicious so we have called them gourmet superfoods.   Our top ten, in no particular order are:-

1)      Salmon.  High in Omega3 oils mean that it is a great “brain food”.  Scientists suggest it can help prevent heart diseases and the onset of dementia.

2)      Blueberries.  Perhaps the most renowned of superfoods as well as high in Vitamin C it is also a great stress buster. For more information go to our page on stress https://patienttalk.org/?p=229.

3)      Black beans.  With no saturated fat and lots of protein they can help with weight loss.

4)      Avocadoes have over 25 different nutrients including Vitamins A, B, C and K many of which help to keep your heart healthy.

5)      Sea Kelp.  This delicious vegetable is incredibly high in calcium and can help prevent osteoporosis.

6)      Kale.  This wonderful leafy green vegetable is very high in iron so great for keeping your liver in tip top form.

7)      Broccoli could well play an important role in the control of high blood pressure as well as being a great source of vitamins such as folic acid.

8)      Olive oil.  Consumed in moderation olive oil can lower your risk of heart disease.

9)      Brazil Nuts contain high levels of selenium.  This it has been suggested is great for prevention of anaemia.

10)   Spirulina.  High in Vitamin K it has been suggested that this supplement has reduced the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes in later life.

What next?

Well over to you.  Have you ever used superfoods?  For what reason and how beneficial do you feel they have been for your health?  Or do you take the other view that it is better to concentrate on a wide variety of different foods for maximum health?  Whatever your views please feel free to use the comments boxes below to have your say!