High Intensity Workouts for Beginners

The differences between a high intensity workout and a moderate intensity alternative are stark. One study in Australia showed that a 20-minute high intensity workout burned six times more body fat than a steady start workout which lasted twice as long. Researchers in Norway found that a group performing a 16-week high intensity regime achieved 100% more of a decrease in fatty acid synthase than a group which performed a moderate intensity workout over the same time period.

HIIT for Beginners Infographic

HIIT for Beginners Infographic

High intensity interval training (HIIT) has become hugely popular for two main reasons. One, as noted above, is because it gets dramatic results. The other is because it can easily be worked into a busy schedule without any need to become a slave to expensive medium-term gym membership. Indeed, most HIIT workouts don’t require any equipment at all. It’s just yourself and a bit of space to perform stretches, or maybe go for a run.

If you’re thinking of starting out on HIIT, just remember to keep in mind that the exercises will most likely be tougher than anything you’ve tried before, so don’t overstretch yourself. Push yourself to your limits, yes, but know your limits. It’s essential to give yourself ample recovery time between workouts, as performing HIIT without being sufficiently recovered will provide no benefit whatsoever.

To find out more about HIIT and how it can work wonders for you, take a look at the infographic below from My Fitness Boutique (http://www.myfitnessboutique.co.uk/description/hiit-classes.html).