Dyslexia Awareness Week 2013 – please like and share to show your support for People with Dyslexia

Lots of people are Dyslexic.

When I was a child many people, including teachers, claimed it did not exist and that people with dyslexia were “illiterates”.

This attitude blighted the lives of many people of my generation.

Please help us change attitudes in schools and the workplace.

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2013

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2013

has produce some useful documents which you can download here http://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/get-involved-and-fundraising/dyslexia-awareness-week.html

In the meantime please like and share the image below with as many people as possible

Dyslexia and an autistic brother – a girl tells her story

A sibling on the autism spectrum

A sibling on the autism spectrum

As today if the first day of Autism Awareness Month we would like to share a recent video made by a london based girl with dyslexia.  We felt that it was very suitable to mark the occasion because he has a brother who has been diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder or ASD

Please use the comments box below to tell your story or make any suggestions.

Thanks for watching!