What is Ataxia and why does it affect people with multiple sclerosis? More here

Spasticity in MS

Spasticity in MS

What is Ataxia, and why does it affect folks with multiple sclerosis?

Check out another brilliant video from Dulci Hill on multiple sclerosis. Please check out her videos below!

We have covered the area of ataxia before. Please have a look at it here.

Multiple Sclerosis Exercise Video 1: Legs & Back

Image result for Multiple Sclerosis Exercise Video 1: Legs dulci hill

It is critical to incorporate an exercise program into your life to stay as strong and healthy as possible This first video will help re3habilitate and maintain muscle strength no matter the condition you’re in. Everyone has to start somewhere to build a little more strength and stamina at a time. Raindrops make oceans.

Learning to use your legs when Multiple Sclerosis makes them useless

Image result for Learning to use your legs when Multiple Sclerosis makes them useless

Learning to use your legs when Multiple Sclerosis makes them useless.

Multiple Sclerosis is a hideous disease that often robs us of the use of our legs. Here is where you start.  From Dulci Hill