Autistic people angry at having to disclose diagnosis to DVLA even if driving not affected! Do you think this is an outrage?

Image result for Vehicle Licensing Agency

The National Autistic Society (NAS) is challenging a decision by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) to force autistic people to inform them of their diagnosis even if it does not affect their driving.

The surprise change in policy – which was not communicated to any autistic people, charities or medical professionals – emerged after a person with autism contacted the NAS and told them the DVLA website said drivers must disclose if they have an autistic spectrum disorder.

Until recently, the website has simply said that drivers must tell the DVLA if they have an autistic spectrum disorder “and it affects your driving”. This is standard for many conditions. The final clause has been removed and is now in a separate paragraph warning of the risk of a £1,000 fine or possible prosecution if these drivers are involved in an accident.


The Labour MP Jess Phillips joined in with criticism of the decision and said she would take the matter further, tweeting: “Believe me when I say I will be asking the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)to look into this.”

Sophie Walker, the former leader of the Women’s Equality party – whose daughter is autistic – also called for the EHRC to investigate. “This is discrimination,” she said. “I’m furious. I am going to follow this up next week.”

An EHRC spokesperson said the body would expect any change in policy affecting people with an impairment to be clearly consulted on and communicated. “Failure to do so may be a breach of the public sector equality duty,” they said.

Read the rest of the article here

Learning to drive on the autism spectrum

Image result for Autism and driving

Motor skills and judgment go hand in hand with learning the rules of the road for some driving students on the autism spectrum.

Two videos with great tips on autism and driving

UVA, Virginia Tech seek ways to assist drivers with autism



A research assistant at the University of Virginia School of Medicine demonstrates UVA’s high-tech driving simulator. He is not a participant in the driving study. Jackson Smith | UVA Health System

The University of Virginia Health System is teaming up with the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute to study novice drivers with autism to determine if they would benefit from specialized training to help them become better, safer drivers and feel more comfortable behind the wheel.

Researchers will use a high-tech driving simulator and on-road driving to compare the driving performance of novice drivers with autism with those of novice drivers without autism. The researchers also will look at a group of much more experienced drivers without autism.

“With this, we will be able to determine if there is a specific need to give these folks [with autism] further attention and support even after they have a driver’s license,” said UVA School of Medicine researcher Dan Cox, PhD. “Possibly just to become safer drivers, but also possibly to reduce collisions and driving mishaps.”

Driving safety

Cox, of UVA’s Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, noted that the driving abilities of novice drivers with autism — including reaction time, vision and cognitive abilities — tend to be similar to those of any individual. Novice drivers with autism, however, may feel additional anxiety about driving in some cases. “Where things become challenging,” Cox said, “is in the flexibility and the integration and the multitasking involved in on-road driving.”

Cox and his colleagues at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) want to determine if specialized training can help them with those challenges. During the study, Cox will place participants in UVA’s high-tech driving simulator, which offers a controlled environment for testing and assessment. “The neat thing about virtual reality is that you can just focus on one task at a time, which you can’t in the real world,” Cox said. “You can just focus on maintaining speed control, then you can focus on lane position, then once they master that, you can worry about ability to brake. In the real world, you’re just thrust out there and you have to deal with it all at the same time.”

Real-world driving

After completing the simulation, study participants will drive on real roads using a research vehicle car VTTI has outfitted with advanced data collection instrumentation. VTTI researchers will then will analyze key safety-related driver behavior.

Cox and his colleagues will ultimately compare the simulation with the in-car driving to determine if additional interventions or countermeasures could benefit teen drivers, especially those with autism, and, if so, what form they should take.

“These are novice drivers who have been approved. They’ve satisfied all the DMV requirements for independent drivers. Our goal is to determine if they differ from those without autism, and we then want to determine how these novice drivers in the virtual world and on road differ from experienced drivers,” Cox said. “Once you know the differences, you can really drill down in terms of how to do interventions to neutralize those differences.” To participate

Cox is seeking to recruit 10 novice drivers with autism and 10 without. The novice drivers must have had their licenses for less than 12 months. He also plans to evaluate 10 experienced drivers with more than 10 years behind the wheel, a group Cox expects to draw from the parents of the novice drivers. Trial participants will receive $30 in compensation and an individualized report of their strengths and weaknesses in terms of driving abilities and skills. A single visit to UVA will be required.


Autism and driving – some tips for Aspies who want to learn to drive!

Autism and learning to drive a car

Autism and learning to drive a car

Aspergers and Driving is a topic I get asked a lot about. I have made this video to help any one with Autism or Aspergers who is looking to start driving.

A Safe Driving Success Plan for Teens With ADHD

A Safe Driving Success Plan for Teens With ADHD

A Safe Driving Success Plan for Teens With ADHD

Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for teens in the U.S, and teens get in car accidents four times more often than all other age groups combined. For teens with ADHD, the risk is even greater.

ADHD amplifies the traits that make young people such high-risk drivers. Impulsivity, distractibility, high energy, and poor emotional control increase the risk of motor vehicle accidents and infractions. In fact, teens with ADHD are more likely to:

Get in car accidents.

Receive speeding tickets.

Have more than three citations on their record.

Have their license suspended or revoked.

Drive without a license.

Why do teens with ADHD have more troubled driving careers than their peers? An attention deficit makes teens less likely to have safe driving habits like coming to a full stop at stop signs, adhering to the speed limit, and signaling before turns. Furthermore, in a driving simulator they showed poorer motor control and erratic steering.

Teens with ADHD also tend to be less knowledgeable about driving laws than their peers, while simultaneously overestimating their competency. This means that teens with ADHD may be overly confident behind the wheel and fail to compensate for their condition.

However, this doesn’t mean that every teen with an attention disorder ought to be banned from driving. It’s by all means possible for teens with ADHD or ADD to become safe drivers. It just might take them longer or require more intensive practice.

It’s recommended that parents delay handing over the keys to teens with ADHD. Waiting until they’re older lets teens get a better grasp on managing their attention deficit. However, hoping teens will grow out of their ADHD isn’t the correct approach. Two thirds of children with ADHD exhibit symptoms into adulthood, so it’s important that parents talk to their teen’s doctor about medication and work with their child to develop good driving habits.

Parents should spend extra time practicing driving with ADHD-affected children. If parents don’t have the time to commit to regular sessions, enrollment in a driving school can help teens get the practice they need. However, since a driving instructor won’t know the particulars of a teen’s ADHD challenges, parents should still assess their child’s driving competency before pursuing licensure.

Even after attention-deficit teens get their driver’s license, a parent’s work isn’t over. It’s important to continually monitor a teen’s driving to make sure they’re modeling safe habits. Parents should consider gradually adding driving privileges as their teen demonstrates responsibility. An example plan might look like:

Months zero through six: Driving permitted to and from school only, with no passengers at any time.

Months six through 12: Driving permitted for school and other daytime activities. No driving at night and no passengers.

Months 12 through 18: Driving permitted for school, daytime activities, and evening activities with express permission. Limit of one passenger at a time during daylight, and zero passengers at night.

Months 18 through 24: Driving permitted any time with a limit of one passenger.

If a teen receives a moving or non-moving violation at any point, the clock resets on their current stage. A graduated plan like this one lets parents incentivize teens to be responsible drivers. It also lets teens master the basics of driving before adding potential distractions.

Beyond setting rules, parents should check in periodically to make sure their teen is retaining what they’ve been taught and not succumbing to distractions behind the wheel. Letting teens do the driving when going out as a family allows parents to check up on their teen’s skills. Teaching car maintenance is an effective way to demonstrate the value of a vehicle. A daily driving log that tracks where they went, how long it took, and what challenges were faced can help create structure and promote focus behind the wheel. Check out this article for ideas on teaching kids the basics of car maintenance.

There’s no reason that a teen with ADHD can’t become a model driver, but it’s important to be aware of the challenges of driving with an attention deficit. With a plan, plenty of patience, and ongoing monitoring, parents can help their ADHD-affected teen stay safe behind the wheel.