AIP Diet – What is the Autoimmune Protocol?

AIP Diet Day 1 - Autoimmune Protocol Meals & Snacks - YouTube

AIP Diet is starting for me! I’m doing the AIP diet to quell a Hashimoto’s Flare and I’m taking you along for the journey. I explain what the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol (AIP diet or also known just as the Autoimmune Protocol) is and also what I ate for AIP for Day 1 breakfast and lunch.. Note: I follow the Autoimmune Paleo Protocol developed by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, which is called the AIP Diet. The Autoimmune Protocol by Dr. Amy Myers is very similar but slightly different in what has to be eliminated (like in the Paleo version, black pepper is eliminated)

Learn How This Doctor Healed Her Multiple Sclerosis Through Diet and Lifestyle

Learn How This Doctor Healed Her Multiple Sclerosis Through Diet and  Lifestyle | Dr. Terry Wahls - YouTube

After being diagnosed with Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, Terry Wahls depended on a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years. However, she realized that she could improve her health on a cellular level by focusing on lifestyle and diet. Her incredible story of recovery is really a story of creating health and vitality, instead of focusing on treating the symptoms of disease. On this episode of Health Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Dr. Terry Wahls explains how a focus on cellular health can lead to extraordinary outcomes, even for people struggling with severe chronic illness.

Is There a Diet that Helps Treat Autism? | Autism

Is There a Diet that Helps Treat Autism? | Autism - YouTube

There’s a lot of information and data that is available more on the internet but also some research regarding different diets, and I think food is very crucial to everybody, but some children with this spectrum have increased food intolerances, as well as food allergies. The gluten-free, casein-free diet is the one that has been quite popular. Gluten is present in the grain of wheat, and it’s how wheat gets processed. A lot of children have known to have some sensitivity to the presence of gluten in their diet. They don’t necessarily have a Celiac disease but they have some intolerance. That is what is being found in some small studies and parents are reporting that removing gluten from the diet can make a big difference, not just with the G.I complains but also with behavior, and speech and language communication and basically connecting as well.

The best foods for FIBROMYALGIA

The Best Foods for Fibromyalgia - YouTube

While there is no perfect diet for people who suffer from fibromyalgia, there are some foods that can help alleviate symptoms.