Suzie Goes to a Funeral – a new book for autistic children to help with attending a funeral.

Suzie goes to a funeral

Suzie goes to a funeral

How do you explain a funeral to an autistic child?

So far John, with ASD, has been to two funerals.  Both interestingly in foreign countries.  One was prior to his diagnosis and our issues were more to do with jet lag than autism.  The second was more problematic but happily the day went well.  The day after on the other hand……………

In today’s blog Charlotte Olson introduces us to another in her series of books which aim to help parents of children on the autistic spectrum deal with specific events.  In this case it is Suzie’s grandmothers funeral.

Olson writes “Join Suzie as she goes to Grandma’s funeral and says goodbye.

A simple story that can help a child who may be feeling anxious about going to a funeral.

A story that can help by explaining to a child what they might experience on this sad day.”

You can find out more about the book her

If you have any tips for taking autistic children to a funeral or can mention any possible pitfalls please use the comments box below to share your story!

Many thanks in advance!

Suzie Goes On An Aeroplane – a new book for autistic children to help with taking plane flights and aircraft travel

Suzie Goes On An Aeroplane

Suzie Goes On An Aeroplane

We’re lucky!  Well in one sense that is.  Our son John is one of those people, even with classic autism, who actually like aircraft travel.  (Though the same can’t be said for aircraft food).

This is rather useful as his grandparents live the other side of the world.

But for many people with autism and parents of children with autism this is not the case.

Charlotte Olson has produced a new book aimed at autistic children and their parents with the objective of helping the deal with plane flights.

She has written a micro guest post for us.

Olson shares ” Join Suzie as she takes to the skies and goes on her first Aeroplane ride.

A simple story to help a child who may feel anxious about going on an Aeroplane, with colourful pictures and written in a way that a he or she can process and be able to enjoy  the story in a fun way.

So buckle up and enjoy the Aeroplane ride.”

You can find out more about the book here

Obviously aircraft flight may prove problematic for many with ASD.   So we were hoping you would consider using the comments box to share your experiences with autism and aircraft flight!  You might want to consider the following questions when framing your comment:-

a)   How do you or your loved one react to airplane flights?

b)   Do you take aircraft flights  these days?

c)  How do you deal with problems with aircraft flights?

d) What is the overall affect of autism on your ability to travel?

e) Would a book like “Suzie Goes On An Aeroplane” be useful to you?

Thanks very much in advance.

Suzie’s Toilet Time. – a book for autistic children to help with toilet training.

Suzies Toilet Book

Suzies Toilet Book

A few days ago we ran the second in our series of blogs on autism and challenging behaviour  For this blog we looked at toilet training for children with autism. You can check out the original blog here –

Most of the discussion took place on our Facebook page AutismTalk  ( and one commenter mentioned a book she had written on the subject.  Charlotte Olson, the author, has a micro blog introducing us to Suzie’s Toilet Time.

She writes:-

“Enter the bathroom with Suzie and become aware of the different textures, lighting and sounds in the bathroom.

From the bright tiles, to the fluffy carpet and the noisy sounding flush.

A simple story to help any child who may be anxious about going to the bathroom and using the toilet.

If Suzie can do it, then so can you.

Please take a look at my website, here you will see further titles.”

So drop round and check the book out.  Please drop back to this post and let us know how useful you found the book!