Bowel Cancer Awareness Month 2015 – signs, symptoms and glitches.

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

As many of our readers will know April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month.

It is one of those areas which PatientTalk.Org covers. One of the main reasons is that my father -in-law has just gone into remission after a year of treatment. This is why I mention glitches. Die to botched keyhole surgery he ended up with blood poisoning (sepsis) from which he was very lucky to recover. I blogged about it at the time here. so please do give it a read!

To help raise awareness we would like to share an video prepared a few years ago where Mark Flannagan gives an overview of some of the signs and symptoms of bowel cancer.

Mark Flannagan is the CEO of Beating Bowel Cancer UK one of the UK leading oncology charities.

For more information why not have a look at Matt Dawson’s blog post on the subject here.

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month – April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month – like and share to show your support

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month.  To find out more information on Bowel Cancer Awareness Month you can check out the website for the month run by Bowel Cancer UK here

To show our support  for the month we have produced the graphic below which we hope you will like and share with your friends and family.

Thanks very much in advance.

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month