Autism Research – Please take this survey about autism and parental stress

Please help Tina Boni , a student at Carlow University, with her survey into autism and parental stress.

Boni writes “My name is Tina Boni and I am a Doctoral Candidate at Carlow University in Pittsburgh, PA completing my dissertation research.  My research examines Parental Stress, as related to parenting a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.  As you probably well know, parenting a child with an autism diagnosis is an incredibly stressful job, and can significantly impact parental mental health, marriage, career, and the relationship between parent and child.  This research seeks to better understand how specific individual child factors correlate with parental stress, in an effort to provide more practical insight into family-centered approaches to care.

I am seeking parents (or full-time caregivers) of male or female children, aged 6-18, who have been diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder of any functioning level to participate in this study. The survey takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete, and there is a small incentive for participation.  Please contact me directly with any questions you might have at

Please click on the link below if you wish to participate.  Thank you!

Carlow University Autism Research

Carlow University Autism Research

Can research really change the future of autism in Georgia? You can help find out more here!


SPARK - Emory - Autism Research

SPARK – Emory – Autism Research

In Georgia, there are an estimated 1 in 64 children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and likely as many adults. While we know it is most important to provide appropriate support to address challenges and to build strengths today, the Emory Autism Center (EAC) is also committed to understanding the complex biology associated with autism to gain a better understanding of causes and treatments. Therefore, Emory is working to reach out to people with ASD and their families to be part of the SPARK study.

The goal of SPARK is to accelerate autism research. By building a community of tens of thousands of individuals with autism and their biological family members who provide behavioral and genetic data, SPARK will be the largest autism research study to date. We need your help to get the word out!

The easiest way for a family, or an adult with ASD, to start enrollment is to go online to or to contact Mr. Jermel Wallace directly ( or 404-727-8350). We have brochures, business cards, postcards and a flowchart of the registration process and would be happy to get that to you.

We would appreciate it if you could share this information with your clients affected by ASD. Possibly, display a poster and information cards in your waiting room and directly give information to individuals and families affected by ASD at any age. We can provide more copies anytime. Just let us know. Also, we would appreciate the opportunity to come and tell you more about the study in person. Mr. Wallace will follow-up with a phone call in the next few weeks.

eLearning for Autism – Help a student at Penn State with their Doctoral Research into Autism

eLearning for Autism – Help a student at Penn State with their Doctoral Research into Autism

eLearning for Autism ( is a new research project designed to better understand how online education can help

Megan Runion - Autism Researcher

Megan Runion – Autism Researcher

families who have children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). It is most relevant to parents who are adjusting to a child’s recent ASD diagnosis, but the materials are freely available to anyone with an interest in learning about ASDs.

Participation in this project is completely voluntary. If you choose to participate in the eLearning project you will have the opportunity to access interactive online learning modules to help you learn new ways to help your child and family. The modules cover
• What Autism is,
• ASD Treatments,
• Changing Behavior,
• Stress Management and Coping, and
• Navigating Systems.

These online learning modules are free and you can stop participating at any time. One participant will win a $25 electronic gift certificate! You can also choose to receive feedback on your levels of stress and self-efficacy after completing optional follow up surveys.

Learn more about participating by visiting the eLearning for Autism website:

Please feel free to contact the researcher, Megan Runion at, with any questions. Thank you!

This research is being conducted by Megan Runion, a second year graduate student in the School Psychology program at Penn State. Megan is excited to offer learning opportunities for families and to learn more about how families can best benefit from online learning.

Parents of children on the autism spectrum please help a student at Northumbria University with some research!

Northumbria University

Northumbria University

A student from Northumbria University tells us “I’m conducting some research into the effect of parenting stress on everyday memory as part of my undergraduate project at Northumbria University and your help would be greatly appreciated! The online survey should take no more than 20 minutes to complete and involves answering a series of questions about your levels of stress, everyday memory and sleep quality. If you’re interested in taking part, you must be over 18, the full-time parent to a child between the age of 3 and 19, and not taking any medication that might affect your levels of stress and/or quality of sleep. Also, the study has received ethical approval from the faculty of health and life sciences at Northumbria University.

Many Thanks,

Jordan Chaim